Everything about Egypt on this web site


Perceptions and practices of the environment, oasis and desert contrasts (Sahara and Arabia)

Art. in French. submitted to… Parcours anthropologiques journal.

Perceptions and practices of its environment, contrasted in the oases and in the desert (Sahara, Arabia)

Lecture (in French/English) given for the workshop “The contour of the senses. Subjectivities, representations and sensitive experience of (…)

Urban Anthropology: The MENA Region (Middle East and North Africa)

Chap. with Nicolas Puig (2021) for The International Encyclopedia of Anthropology

Thinking oasis history from the present: date palm agrobiodiversity and Saharan insularities

Lecture (in French) given for the research seminar “Saharan worlds: sources, spaces, societies (8th-19th century)”, February 12th 2021, IISMM, (…)

Domains of urban life in public spaces in Cairo, Egypt

Lecture (in English) with Nicolas Puig given as part of the CEDEJ Research Workshop: “Trade in the city and activities: Observing practices and (…)

Restaurant, Leisure, Festivals & Celebrations

Lecture (in French & English) given as part of the CEDEJ Research Workshop: “Trade in the city and activities: Observing practices and (…)

Articles & chapters published in the field of sonic anthropology

A list of my publications dealing with the intersection of social anthropology and the sonic dimensions of existence.

Ethnographies Sounded on What? Methodologies, Sounds, and Experiences in Cairo

Chapter (in English) published in The Bloomsbury Handbook of Sonic Methodologies edited by Michael Bull and Marcel Cobussen (2020).

The Mediterranean oases

Art. [in French] On the website of INSU (Institut national des sciences de l’Univers, CNRS), Les oasis méditerranéennes, Nov. 5, 2020

On the necessity of combining ethnobotany and genetics to assess agrobiodiversity and its evolution in crops: a case study on date palms ({Phoenix dactylifera} L.) in Siwa Oasis, Egypt

Art. (in English): New: published Sept. 2020 Muriel Gros-Balthazard* & Vincent Battesti* et al.. published in Evolutionary Applications (…)

Towards a Sonic Ecology of Urban Life: Ethnography of Sound Perceptions in Cairo

Art. (in English), co-written with Nicolas Puig, in The Senses and Society, 2020, vol. 15 (2), p. 170-191.

A sound from Siwa in Egypt - with RFI

Sound recorded in the oasis of Siwa (Egypt) broadcast on RFI “Écouter le monde”: Correspondances sonores (1/5)

Sound perception in Cairo: the city through the lens of a Sonic Ecology

Lecture (in French) with Nicolas Puig given as part of the Third “Congrès des études sur le Moyen-Orient et les mondes musulmans”, July 5th 2019, (…)

Domestication of date palms in Siwa oasis and across the Middle East and North Africa: articulate the scales of ethnography and domestication over the long term

Poster (in English) made for the International Symposium Harlan III, from June 3rd to 7th 2019, Montpellier SupAgro, Montpellier (France).

Listening to the World, with MILSON, the anthropologists of sound environments

Just published! Audio tracks: “The voice of Cairo - Egypt” & “The coffees of Cairo - Egypt”, in Monica Fantini & Christine Guillebaud, (…)

What is the use of a geneticist to an anthropologist, and vice versa: date palms in the Sahara

Lecture (in French) given for the Master conference « Agrobiodiversité » (AE/AST - UE 39 M2, coord. by Serge Bahuchet and François Léger), October (…)

Date palms of the Siwa oasis and the Saharan island network: Status of tested hypotheses

Lecture (in French) given during the WG2 Insularities workshop (BioDivMeX), on 22 September 2018 in the Kerkennah Islands (Tunisia).

Date palm agrobiodiversity (Phoenix dactylifera L.) in Siwa oasis, Egypt: combining ethnography, morphometry, and genetics

Art. (in English): Vincent Battesti* & Muriel Gros-Balthazard*, Clémence Ogéron, Sarah Ivorra, Jean-Frédéric Terral, Claire Newton, 2018 — « (…)

Exploring the Bettina Leopoldo collection on Siwa

Page in progress. With the complicity of Mrs Floriane Morin, Curator of the MEG Africa Department, in 2018 I explore the collection of Bettina (…)

What are the palm trees of the Siwa oasis? Dialogue local and learned responses (morphometry, anthropology, and genetics)

Lecture given (in French) with Muriel Gros-Balthazard as part of the GDR Mosaïque Closing Days, on 7 November 2017, 02:30 pm-3:00 pm, Montpellier (…)

Concert “A night in Cairo”: the Egyptian master Ahmed Wahdan in Paris

Iftar evening/party on Saturday, June 10 at the Institute of Islamic Cultures (ICI), 19 Léon Street (18th Arr.) at 10:30 pm, free admission.

Mics in the ears: How to ask people in Cairo to talk about their sound universes

Chap. (in English), in Christine Guillebaud (ed.), Toward an Anthropology of Ambient Sound, London, Routledge, Routledge studies in Anthropology (…)

From waterfalls to snowy forests, Egyptian posters show what exotic looks like from the desert

Art. (in English) in The Conversation, Global edition 2017 The pastiche-style poster art ubiquitous in Egyptian houses and businesses reveals how (…)

Collection of fantasy landscapes posters

Private collection of Egyptian posters of paradise natures. The Egyptian paradises, copy/paste landscapes. Coll. Vincent Battesti, Poster (…)

Corps sonores (4/4) : Acoustiques urbaines : les sons de la société

Participation in the live radio broadcast “Culture Monde” on France Culture, Feb. 16th 2017, Maison de la Radio (Paris, France)

Questions raised in ethnoecology? Oasis illustrations

Lecture (in French) given for the seminar “Anthropologie générale — À l’interface des sciences sociales et des sciences naturelles” coord. by (…)

Sounds from Egypt - with RFI

Montages of field recording sounds from Cairo, with RFI “Écouter le monde”

To shun the sound and the fury: ambiances in the palm groves gardens of Siwa Oasis (Egypt)

Lecture given (in French) in the International Conference: “Quelles ambiances urbaines dans les oasis du sud de la Méditerranée?” (Programme (…)

“The sound of society”: a method for investigating sound perception in Cairo

Art. (in English) with Nicolas Puig in The Senses & Society, 2016 n° Contemporary French Sensory Anthropology.

Video/Film Deposits on Internet Archive

So far, mainly focused music/religious and on Siwa Oasis.

Video/Film Deposits on Vimeo

So far, mainly video focused on music, and music performed in public spaces.

“Ça, c’est le son de la société”. Enquêter sur les perceptions sonores au Caire

“That, it’s the sound of the society”: To investigate on the sound perceptions in Cairo Lecture (in French) given in the seminar 2015-2016 (…)


Member of the CRISIS Project Team

al-Dakhla Oasis

OASIS, (Géog. anc.) ville & desert de l’Egypte, aux confins de la Lybie. Il y avoit deux villes nommées Oasis, & que l’on distinguoit par (…)

al-Kharga Oasis

OASIS, (Géog. anc.) ville & desert de l’Egypte, aux confins de la Lybie. Il y avoit deux villes nommées Oasis, & que l’on distinguoit par (…)

In the Ears of a Cairo Resident

from October 2015 to January 2016 at the Musée de l’Homme, Paris (France)

BioDivMeX Prospective Workshop/ Atelier de prospective BioDivMeX

Conf. (in French & English), participation to the BioDivMeX Prospective Workshop at the Observatoire de Haute Provence (OHP), from Sept. 29th (…)

Closure days of the seminar “Les révolutions en Égypte et en Tunisie; et si on parlait d’autres choses?”

Revolution in Egypt and Tunisia: let’s just talk about something else? Co-organizer of a two-days conference for the Closure of the Seminar “Les (…)

Wādī Abū Ṣubeīra, Feb. 2015, Field Note Summary, Social Anthropology | Wādī Abū Ṣubeīra, fév. 2015, Synthèse de notes de terrain, Anthropologie sociale

Report (2015)

Wādī Abū Ṣubeīra, Feb. 2015, Field Note Summary, Social Anthropology | Wādī Abū Ṣubeīra, fév. 2015, Synthèse de notes de terrain, Anthropologie sociale


Coll. vbat of objects from the Siwa Oasis

Objects: collection vbat — Vincent Battesti, CNRS-Musée de l’Homme Photographies: Jean-Christophe Domenech, Musée de l’Homme, Muséum national (…)

First pictures from a new fieldwork with the ‘Abābda, South Egypt

The ‘Abābda (العبابدة) call themselves originally descendants of Arab tribes, this group of nomads show strong connections with the overarching (…)

Categorization of the date palm agrobiodiversity in the oasis of Siwa (Libyan Desert, Egypt): the olive tree categorization should it or can it be similar?

Lecture (in French) given to the Annual Meeting of the GDR Mosaïque at the Institut des Sciences de la Communication of the CNRS, Jan. 6th 2015, (…)

Why geneticists make mistakes. Talking about the date palms of Siwa oasis (Libyan desert, Egypt)

Lecture (in French) given for the Transversal Axis seminar « Catégories, constructions et hybridations des savoirs » (Categories, constructions (…)

Seminar « Les révolutions en Égypte et en Tunisie ; et si on parlait d’autres choses ? »

Revolution in Egypt and Tunisia: let’s just talk about something else? Co-organizer of the seminar semimonthly during the academic year 2014-2015, (…)

Plant Cosmopolitism and Social Extraterritoriality: a Modern History of Ornamental Gardens in Egypt

An article which attempts to clarify the history of ornamental gardens in Egypt for the 19th and 20th centuries, a key moment to understand real (…)

Plant Cosmopolitism and Social Extraterritoriality: a Modern History of Ornamental Gardens in Egypt

Text (in French) in progress (to be finalized).

To categorize date palms with no gene and embarrassment in Siwa, oasis of the Libyan Desert

Lecture (in French) given to the seminar Ethnobotanique(s): théories et pratiques, Master “Évolution, patrimoine naturel et sociétés” (EDTS), (…)

Siwa, Oasis of the Libyan Desert: The secret life of the gardens and their palm trees

Lecture (in French) given to Conférences de La Rahla, Amicale des Sahariens, Paris, Feb. 11th 2014, 7pm

The agrobiodiversity of the Date Palm (Phoenix dactylifera L.) in Siwa Oasis (Egypt): between what is said, written, and forgotten

Art. (in French) in Revue d’ethnoécologie - vol. 4, 2013, “The Date Palm : Origin and Cultivation in the Middle East and in Egypt” [Siwa #0]

“The atmosphere is great”, or the evanescent relationship to soundscapes in Cairo

Invitation to a participant listening and proposal of an analytical perspective. Chap. (in French), in Joël Candau & Marie-Barbara Le (…)

Saharan Oasis Gardens: The Beautiful as Sensual Contentment and the Landscape from Below

Lecture given for the seminar “Antropological approaches to landscape”, in the course “Anthropology of Nature” of Philippe Descola, at the Collège (…)

Collection of fantasy landscapes posters

Private collection of Egyptian posters of paradise natures. The Egyptian paradises, copy/paste landscapes. Coll. Vincent Battesti, Poster (…)

Scans of children drawings from Siwa oasis on their environment

Scans’ Collection in Open Access on MediHal… – RSS feed: https://media.hal.science/rss.php?r... – Web page: https://media.hal.science/index.php..

Photographies of Ideal wall natures’ posters in situ

Pictures collection in Open Access on MediHal… – RSS feed: https://media.hal.science/rss.php?r... – web page: (…)

The agrobiodiversity of the date palm (Phoenix dactylifera L.) in Siwa, an oasis of the Libyan Desert: what is said, written and forgotten

Lecture given at the workshop “Ecological and Anthropological Approaches to Agrobiodiversity and Food systems” from December 6th to 7th 2012 at (…)

Religious resonance in the city: Cairo

Broadcast on Radio Campus Paris (Oct. 2012), sounds recorded in Cairo.

Participation to the book “People and Natures”

IRD Publishing House prepared a general public book for the 13th Congress of the International Society of Ethnobiology in Montpellier (France) (…)

Oasis, gardens in the desert

Lecture given for the exhibition “Les territoires de l’eau, irrigation et partage de l’eau en Méditerranée”
 from Feb. 7th to July 13th 2012 at (…)

Mics in the ears: how to ask people in Cairo to talk about their sound universes

Lecture given at the international workshop held by the collective MILSON: “For an Anthropology of Sound Milieux” (February 16th and 17th, 2012, (…)

The Saharan oasis put to the test of its Landscape: The Jerid

Chapter (in English) published in Virginie Lefebvre, with Aziza Chaouni (eds.), Desert Tourism: tracing the fragile edges of development, (…)

In North Africa and the Middle East, To build, to dream and to anticipate his nature ... in order to escape the environment

Seminar Utopias of Nature, Nature of Utopias – MNHN, 2011

Video/Film Deposits on Dailymotion

So far, mainly about music.

Stickers 25JAN

Call for contribution: I miss some stickers to write a graphic and scientific article ... Who can send me more? (reimbursed, of course)

Can we do an ethnography of sound of Cairo?

Lecture given at the conference held by the collective MILSON: “For an anthropology of sound environments” (12 and 13 May 2011, Ecole Nationale (…)

The Egyptian Cinema and the Social Classes Issue

Translation (to French) of a chapter for the book V. Battesti & F. Ireton (eds.), L’Égypte au présent, Inventaire d’une société avant (…)

Linguistic Practices and Social Contexts

Collaboration to and translation (to French) of a chapter of the book V. Battesti & F. Ireton (eds.), L’Égypte au présent, Inventaire d’une (…)

Practices and experiences of a popular Egyptian Islam

Chapter (in French) of the book V. Battesti & F. Ireton (eds.), L’Égypte au présent, Inventaire d’une société avant révolution, Paris, (…)

How anyone can be urban? Cities and urban lives

Chapter (in French) in V. Battesti & F. Ireton (eds.), L’Égypte au présent, Inventaire d’une société avant révolution, Paris, Sindbad-Actes (…)

Foreword & Introduction to Contemporary Egypt

Chapter (in French) of the book V. Battesti & F. Ireton (eds.), L’Égypte au présent, Inventaire d’une société avant révolution, Paris, (…)

Prelude: conversation in a Cairo taxi

Chapter (in French) of the book V. Battesti & F. Ireton (eds.), L’Égypte au présent, Inventaire d’une société avant révolution, Paris, (…)

Today’s Egypt: Inventory of a Society Prior to Revolution

Paris, Sindbad-Actes Sud (coll. La Bibliothèque arabe), 1200 pages (40 contributors) ISBN: 978-2-7427-9780-6 The “people’s revolution” in Egypt (…)

الف مبروك، يا مصر ! بنحبّك Congratulations Egypt!

February, 11th 2011: a popular revolution on the banks of the Nile ...!

Thirsty or drowned, the strange destinies of hydraulic societies of North African oases (Jerid oases in Tunisia and Siwa oasis in Egypt)

[bg jaune]Cancelled[/bg jaune] Out of Water: Sustaining Development in Arid Climates, a conference taking place on April 1 & 2, 2011, at the (…)

“The atmosphere is great”, or the evanescent relationship to soundscapes in Cairo

Lecture given at the Congress of the CTHS, April 10th, 2010 in Neuchâtel - Switzerland.

Position: Cairo between street and space

Video with Cairo in background.

From Siwa to Cairo, the making of heritage feeds from the Others’ desire

Article (in French) published in Égypte/Monde arabe n°5-6, 2009: Pratiques du patrimoine en Égypte et au Soudan. Issue edited by Omnia Aboukorah, (…)

Egyptian Botanical Gardens

The botanical gardens are often confused in the Nile Valley with public gardens.

Ornamental Gardens in Egypt

Book in progress, project based in Cairo: art book and, at the same time, botanical and gardens book.

Inviting nature home

For now: just three shots until I do the sorting in my albums. There are at least two Egyptian areas where these heavenly natures invite (…)

Gestures in video

I’m waiting for some time…, let’s face it: for some years to have enough time to film in Cairo, Egypt, spontaneous nonverbal communications in (…)

Sound ambiances of Cairo: To propose an anthropology of sound environments

Article (in French) for Les Cahiers du GERHICO (2009).

Tourism in oasis, Natural and cultural mirages of an encounter?

Art. (in French) in Cahier d’études africaines (2009, éditions de l’EHESS, Paris) Numéro “Tourismes. La quête de soi par la pratique des autres” (…)

A Garden in the Desert

Lecture given at the Médiathèque François Mitterrand in Argentan (Basse-Normandie) and intervention also at the Secondary school Jean Rostand, (…)

The reinvention of ruin when you do not appreciate the landscape, and other spatial considerations in the Arab world

Lecture given at the École nationale supérieure du paysage (ENSP) in Versailles (France), February 11st, 2009.

Earthen architectures. The example of Siwa

Architectures de terre, l’exemple de Siwa Chapter (in French) in the exhibition catalogue “Berbères, de rives en rêves” (2008) at the abbey of (…)

Opening of the exhibition Berbères, de rives en rêves (Berbers, from shores to dreams)

Wednesday, May 21st at 5 pm, Abbey of Daoulas

Exhibition “Berbères, de rives en rêves” (Berbers, from shores to dreams)

Participation in the catalogue and a video interview within the exhibition.

Berbères, de rives en rêves

• Architectures berbères de terre (Berber earthen architectures). Exhibition “Berbères, de rives en rêves” (Berbers, from shores to dreams)
, May (…)

Socioecological resources: mobilization of natural, ideal and practical resources in urban garden or oasis (Tunisia/ Egypt)

Lecture given at the GREMMO in Lyon (France), seminar “Espaces, pouvoirs et mobilisations sociales dans le monde arabe”, April 2008

Sound ambiances of Cairo: The public space of the Wast al-Balad (Downtown)

Lecture given at the Conference “La sonorité: usages, symboles, perceptions et normes.” Dec. 2007, Poitiers (France). In video and in French sign (…)

Living nature: a look of children

• “A Berber oasis, Siwa”/ “The oasis, or the nature in a garden” (Une oasis berbérophone, Siwa/ L’oasis, ou la nature dans un jardin). Author of a (…)

Gardens of the nature: Berber oasis of Siwa in Egypt

Lecture given at the Musée de l’Homme (Paris) for the exhibition “Natures vivantes”.

Sequel of the publication of Contemporary Egypt

The book will be published in Actes Sud-Sindbad publishing house. It will be on bookshop shelves in the last quarter 2008.

The garden of Mansuriya [temporary title]

Chapter of the book Ornamental Gardens in Egypt: Mansuriya. Update: Work on hold because / since the Egyptian revolution... :)

Gardens History in Egypt since Mohammed Ali [temporary title]

Chapter of the book Ornamental Gardens in Egypt: Mansuriya. Update: Work on hold because / since the Egyptian revolution... :)

Workers of Oasian Palm Groves


Fieldworks and ethnology

All the research fieldworks on the zone of North Africa (the Maghreb) and the Middle East: fieldworks in oasis and urban fieldworks. On a (…)

List of gardens in Cairo

Work in progress… (sorry!)

Oases as Socio-ecological Landscapes, The Jerid as an Example

Lecture given at Harvard GSD for the conference “Desert Tourism: delineating the fragile edge of development”, Cambridge, USA.

Cultivated trees in gardens of Ancient Egypt

The following tree species seem to have been the main cultivated ones in gardens of Ancient Egypt.

Fieldworks of Egypt, Contemporary anthropologies

Edition, with Nicolas Puig, of a volume of the Égypte-Monde Arabe journal, on the “Terrains d’Égypte, anthropologies contemporaines” [Fieldworks (…)

“Why should I go to see from above things I already know from below?”

Article (in French) in the volume 3/3rd serie of Egypte/Monde arabe, 2006. Original title: “Pourquoi j’irais voir d’en haut ce que je connais déjà (…)

Fieldworks of Egypt: introduction (“Field shifts”, The production of anthropological knowledge in Egypt)

Terrains d’Égypte: introduction Article(in French) in the volume 3/3rd serie of Egypte/Monde arabe, 2006.

The Art of Telling It [Translation to French]

Translation of an article of Barbara Drieskens in the volume 3/3rd serie of Égypte/Monde arabe, 2006.

Donwtown Cairo: Crowd movements.

End Ramadan’s festivities

Position: Cairo from the street

Video of an American tourist.

Sound ambiances of Cairo: more.

Sounds to be listened to: soccer supporters and café....

Dwelling with feet of clay, Trials and tribulations of construction materials and techniques in Siwa (Egypt)

Art. (in French) Journal des Africanistes (2006). Original title: De l’habitation aux pieds d’argile, Les vicissitudes des matériaux et techniques (…)

Soundscapes of the Cairo public spaces

Sound recordings of the urban life the Egyptian capital: Soundscape of Cairo spaces.

Extract of an interview (research)


Extract of an interview (research)

First attempt to exploit on the Web fieldwork recordings.

Use of public spaces in Cairo, Gardening Natures and Downtown area [temporary title]

Book (in French) in development…

The space of a nature: Ethnoecology of the oasis of Siwa (Egypt) [temporary title]

Book (in French) in progress…

Sample of Cairo Downtown ambiance

At first, it is a distant murmur melted in the confused hum of the traffic...

To understand the use of spaces in the oasis of Siwa


Anthropology of gardens: the gardens of oasis

Lecture given at the seminar Anthropologie des jardins: Jardins historiques, Patrimoine, Paysages, École d’architecture de Versailles, June 2006.

The Giza Zoo: Re-Appropriating Public Spaces, Re-Imagining Urban Beauty

Chapter (in English) in Cairo Cosmopolitan (2006).

Small biblio in pictures on Siwa

Some covers of works related to Siwa

Workshop in Siwa: children’s drawings on nature

Results (in progress) of the experiment of drawings carried out with the children of Siwa

Biodiversity & agrobiodiversity in Siwa oasis

There are several ways to focus on the biodiversity of a place and I’ve tried several in this fieldwork of Siwa oasis. The first is to identify (…)

Berber children of Siwa (Egypt) draw their oasis.

Part of an exhibition, Musée de l’Homme (Paris) Exhibition project in the Musée de l’Homme in Paris in 2007/2008. The nature drawn by the children (…)

Representations in posters of ideal nature

In Egypt, main tourist destination for archaeological, natural, and cultural landscapes, walls in apartments or small businesses display exotic, (…)

Oases gardens

Lecture given at Muséum national d’histoire naturelle, Paris, May 2006.

Project of exhibition: Nature vivante (Living Nature)

The children of the world draw their nature (in Siwa too)

Researches in the oasis of Siwa


Ambiances of the places: images and sounds of Siwa

In progress.

Some old illustrations of gardens in Cairo


Change of uses of public spaces in Cairo: Downtown area and parks

Lecture given at the Weekly Seminar of the CEDEJ, June 21st, 2005, Cairo, Egypt.

Already here... pieces of sound ambiances in Siwa.

Already here, sounds of other places.

Egypt and the Sudan in 122 pixels high

The Sudan and Egypt in 122 pixels high.

Repertoire of gestures of Cairo [temporary title]

Pending work…

Patrimonialization in Siwa: the architecture

In progress.

Satellite pictures

Satellite images of oasian regions

A Guide of Ornamental Plants in Egypt [temporary title]

Book to be published in Egypt. Coeditor and author Update: Work on hold because / since the Egyptian revolution... :)

Siwi botanical vocabulary: cultivated plants in Siwa

This vocabulary in Jlan n Isiwan (language of Siwan people) is in progress. It presents links between words in French and in Siwi (and in Latin (…)

“Environment needs clay!”, Evolutions of the habitat in the oasis of Siwa

Lecture given at the Conference Habitat, habitation et urbanisme en Corse et en Méditerranée, Calvi, April 2005.

Crowded Cairo Gets its Own Version of Central Park, Voice of America, March 25th, 2005

Press review

Dream of green, Cairo Magazine, vol. 3, March 24th 2005

Press review

Position: Cairo from the space

Astronaut Photography of Earth.

Map of the studied oases in Sahara

The four main fieldworks in North Africa, where I made researches.

From Trash Heap to Emerald Lung, Bidoun Magazine, vol. 3, 2005.

Press review

The professional experiences

(the most valorizating, of course).

Contemporary Egypt [temporary title]

Scientific coedition of a book on Contemporary Egypt (CEDEJ/Karthala) in French. Planned for 2008.

Change in the Uses of Urban Public Spaces by Cairo People

Lecture given at The Beirut Conference on Public Spheres, Oct. 2004 (AUB), Lebanon.

Natures in the city, Dreams, claims and practices: For a compared project from Cairo

Lecture given at the Conference AFEMAM, Lyon, July 2nd-4th, 2004.

Being Muslim in Cairo, Tehran, Istanbul, Dakar and Paris

Being Muslim in Cairo, Tehran, Istanbul, Dakar and Paris • Sounds of public spaces in Cairo. Participation to the exhibition “Being Muslim in (…)

Anthropological investigations in Siwa: some data

Lecture given at the Weekly Seminar in the CEDEJ, May 2004, Cairo, Egypt.

Some Public Spaces in Cairo: the Parks

Des espaces publics au Caire : les jardins publics Art. (in French) cd-rom Espaces publics et espaces marchands

Sounds of public spaces in Cairo

Sons des espaces publics au Caire CD-Roms of sounds for the exhibition “Être musulmane, être musulman au Caire, à Téhéran, à Istanbul, à Dakar et (…)

The history of the gardens in Cairo till the 18th century [Group of research]

L’histoire des jardins du Caire jusqu’au XVIIIe siècle [Groupe de recherche] Art. (in French) Lettre d’information de l’OUCC

Parks in Cairo

Lecture given at the workshop Espaces publics et espaces marchands (Public spaces and commercial spaces); IRD, Bondy, 2003.

The oases of the Sahara: socio-natural constructions

Lecture given at the CFCC in Héliopolis (Egypt), Jan. 16th, 2003.

CEDEJ - Centre d’études et de documentation économiques, juridiques et sociales

from March 2002 to September 2005 Position of researcher: social anthropologist at the CEDEJ in Cairo (Egypt) for the French Foreign Affairs (…)