All the versions of this article: [English] [français]

by Vincent Battesti, Nicolas Puig

How anyone can be urban? Cities and urban lives.

 Orginal title:
Vincent Battesti et Nicolas Puig (2011), Comment peut-on être urbain? Villes et vies urbaines,
in Battesti Vincent et Ireton François (eds.), L’Égypte au présent, Inventaire d’une société avant révolution, Paris, Éditions Sindbad - Actes-Sud, coll. La Bibliothèque arabe, p. 145-182 [ISBN 978-2-7427-9780-6].
PDF File:

 See this book Today’s Egypt: Inventory of a Society Prior to Revolution..

This chapter relates to the urban life or lives and their frameworks, drawing up the portrait of the city in Egypt today, how the townsmen build their city and their urban life, inhabit these residential and non-residential spaces, live their urbanity... The Egyptian citadinity has a very long history. Today the principal urban centres of Egypt (Cairo, Alexandria) have the rank of megalopolis and the middle-cities know a fast growth. The Egyptian cities are in full physical change, but these changes also relate to the manners of practising them.

This chapter has as hot lines the social structuring of the city (by putting the question of the segregation), the rhythms of the city (and its synchronizations), as well as the question of the differentiated practices of the urban space (in particular according to the social, residential origin and of the gender).

Au café, dans la rue Muhammad ‘Ali
2 novembre 2011, Le Caire. © Vincent Battesti
Comment peut-on être urbain? Villes et vies urbaines

in Battesti Vincent et Ireton François (dirs), L’Égypte au présent, Inventaire d’une société avant révolution, Paris, Éditions Sindbad - Actes-Sud, coll. La Bibliothèque arabe, p. 145-182

Vincent Battesti & Nicolas Puig