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“Environment needs clay!”, Evolutions of the habitat in the oasis of Siwa
Original title:
“Il faut de l’argile pour l’environnement!”, Les évolutions de l’habitat dans l’oasis de Siwa.
Lecture given at the Deuxième colloque des Journées universitaires de Calvi – Archéologie et Histoire de la Corse et de la Méditerranée: Habitat, habitation et urbanisme en Corse et en Méditerranée, April 1st-3rd, 2005. Organized by the University of Corse and U Svegliu Calvese.
– In a word: Recapitulation of the history of the habitat in the Egyptian oasis of Siwa and talk about recent phenomenon of patrimonialization on the building which occurs there: invention of the “traditional” style (which merges here with “natural”) from clay constructions ( tlaght in siwi), stylistic emergence of“néo-traditional”.
On this subject, see also the published article: Dwelling with feet of clay, Trials and tribulations of construction materials and techniques in Siwa (Egypt).