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by Vincent Battesti

• “A Berber oasis, Siwa”/ “The oasis, or the nature in a garden” (Une oasis berbérophone, Siwa/ L’oasis, ou la nature dans un jardin).
Author of a unit (texts, photographies and children drawings, and Sound ambiance) and Scientific advisor of the exhibition “Living nature: a look of children” (Nature vivante: regards d’enfants), November 28th, 2007 to April 29th, 2008, Musée de l’Homme (Paris, France), by the “Hommes, natures, sociétés” department of the Muséeum national d’histoire naturelle.

 See: Inauguration of the exhibition Alive Natures: in the Children’s eyes

 See this part of the web site: Siwa oasis (Egypt).