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– To prefer the Giza Zoo or the International Garden of Medinat Nasr?
I carry out here an interview with R. on her preference, as place of urban walk in Cairo, between the Giza Zoological garden or the International Garden (Hadiqat el-Dauliya) of Medinat Nasr.
The interview is carried out in the enclosure of the International Garden, in Medinat Nasr (Egypt), on December 26th, 2006 (3 p.m.).
R. is a 24 year old girl, originating from Darb el-Ahmar, a very popular district of the old city of Cairo.

Egypte 2003 #12#2. © Vincent Battesti. 34’. mp3 192kb stereo.
R - What? Ah yes, people here are few, but over there there are always many people over there, there is always many people over there. Then here, people come to sit down, and if there is their fiancée, they remain together, they speak, [things] like that. But over there [in the zoological garden, Giza Zoo], no! Over there, people come to look at the animals, to walk, to stroll… to distract themselves in fact, to distract themselves from everything actually. Me, I prefer the zoological garden, me I have the best thing of the world: the zoological garden! That, it is better thing of the whole world! of the Universe! [laughter]