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 Anthropology & Development.

Periode Status Institution and location Country
since March 2015 Visiting Scholar at Department of Anthropology Columbia University, New York USA
Jan. 2011 / Jan. 2015 Visiting Scholar at Hagop Kevorkian Center for Near Eastern Studies New York University, New York USA
since Oct. 2009 Researcher (tenured) 1st class CNRS, with a position at UMR 7206 “Éco-anthropologie et ethnobiologie” CNRS, Muséum national d’histoire naturelle, Paris France
Sept. 2008 / Sept. 2009 Researcher and teacher (for Master EMTS), département Hommes, Natures, Sociétés Muséum national d’histoire naturelle, Paris France
Jan. 2002 / Sept. 2005 Position of research: Anthropologist in the CEDEJ (URA 1165 CNRS) in Cairo. Elected member of the Scientific Council of Laboratory French Foreign Affairs Egypt
Sept. 2000 / Sept. 2001 Director of the French Department, Faculty of Arts, Taez (or Taiz) University (Yemen) - Funded by MAE French Foreign Affairs Yemen
July 1997 / Jan. 1998 Advisor of the Minister, at the cabinet of the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock, Fisheries, Forestry and Environment, [Republic of Vanuatu>], Port-Vila (Minister: Amos Andeng) - Founding by MAE French Foreign Affairs Vanuatu
March 1996 / May 1996 For the Cirad-Sar, Project Development of oases’ agriculture of Jerid (Tunisia) : Completion of the study (Montpellier) French Foreign Affairs Tunisia
Nov. 1994 / Feb. 1996 Researcher : Working out of technical and economic references on farming exploitation of oases of Jerid (South Tunisia) (Project Development of oases’ agriculture of Jerid, CIRAD/GRIDAO/Inrat); Centre de recherches phœnicicoles de l’Inrat (Degache - Tunisia) French Foreign Affairs Tunisia
1993 / 1996 Thesis researches on the field in Saharan oases Sorbonne University, Paris V Tunisia, Algeria and Morocco
July 1989 Pollster for the National Park of Peneda Geres (Portugal) : investigation on the relationships of local populations with the environment of the park (restricted areas: constraints et benefits of a natural parc englobing villages) Portuguese Ministry of Environment Portugal


since March 2015 Visiting Scholar at Department of Anthropology, Columbia University, New York
since Oct. 2009 Researcher (tenured) 1st class at CNRS, with a position at Muséum national d’Histoire naturelle, UMR 7206 “Éco-anthropologie et ethnobiologie”
since 2006 Qualified as Maître de conférences (senior lecturer) at the French University and at the Muséum national d’Histoire naturelle in Paris (section 20, anthropology and ethnology).

Qualifications in 1999 and 2006 (4 years validity)

since 2002 Member of the Société des africanistes (Musée de l’Homme)
  • Member of the Scientific board of Anthropobotanica journal (Muséum national d’histoire naturelle, Paris).
  • Referee for Autrepart journal (IRD, Presses de Sciences Po).
  • Referee for Fruit journal (CIRAD, EDP Sciences).
  • Referee for JATBA journal (Muséum national d’histoire naturelle)
  • Referee for Anthropobotanica journal (Muséum national d’histoire naturelle)



A few competencies in computers to point out, because I got through…

Sept. to Dec. 1999 Easynet, Internet Provider. Hotline (technic support) for subscribers. Repair on Mac OS & Windows machines.
Dec. 1999 to March 2000 Aware, computer reseller/ditributor software and hardware. Technical support. mainly under Macintosh environment.
Since then… Many website creations, design and maintenance.