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by Vincent Battesti

Lecture (in French) given to the seminar Ethnobotanique(s): théories et pratiques, Master “Évolution, patrimoine naturel et sociétés” (EDTS), Muséum national d’histore naturelle,
Paris, Feb. 11th 2014, 9:45am-12am.

To categorize date palms with no gene and embarrassment in Siwa, oasis of the Libyan Desert
 Original title:
Catégoriser “sans gène” les palmiers dattiers à Siwa, oasis du désert libyque

The idea was to present my use of ethnobotany in my research work, which is more dedicated to ethnoecology. I presented Saharan oasian examples, but especially my last researches on the date palm in Siwa oasis (Egypt).

Siwa (Égypte)
© Vincent Battesti