All the versions of this article: [English] [français]
Translation from English to French of:
– Viola Shafik, translation of Vincent Battesti (2011), Le cinéma égyptien et la question des classes sociales,
in Battesti Vincent & Ireton François (eds.), L’Égypte au présent, Inventaire d’une société avant révolution, Paris, Éditions Sindbad - Actes-Sud, coll. La Bibliothèque arabe, p. 995-1034 [ISBN 978-2-7427-9780-6].
– See this book Today’s Egypt: Inventory of a Society Prior to Revolution.
– Abstract:
This chapter provides an overall picture of the Egyptian cinema, by broaching it from the obvious but often ignored standpoint of social class, , a founding element in the Egyptian society. With the analysis of Egyptian popular fiction movies, since the thirties, and their positioning vis-à-vis the social question (does the cinema reflect the society?), this chapter will demonstrate how cinematic and societal issues intersect and are shaped by social change in Egypt. By examining the development of different genres — primarily melodramatic, realist and action films — this chapter sheds light on the reality of social classes and discourses as practiced in different periods Egypt (Nasser, infitah, Islamism and globalization).