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Broadcast on Radio Campus Paris (Oct. 2012), sounds recorded in Cairo.
For the first issue of the bimonthly anthropological radio broadcast “Voix du Crépuscule” (Twilight Voices) on Radio Campus Paris (in association with the reading room of the Musée du Quai Branly), 30th October 2012, the theme was “Borders and religions: the gods in the globalization.”
Sounds edited by Émile Gayoso.
Sounds recorded by Vincent Battesti.
A program was broadcast from a selection of my recordings of Cairo to show the sound presence of religion in the city.
– Web page of the radio:
– To only listen to the Ganesh/Cairo part of the program:
Radio Broadcast Les Voix du crépuscule, Radio Campus, Oct. 30th 2012.
© Émile Gayoso & Vincent Battesti. 8mn 11s. mp3.
– Le site web de la radio: