All the versions of this article: [English] [français]

by Vincent Battesti

A list of my publications dealing with the intersection of social anthropology and the sonic dimensions of existence.

In chronological order of publication, all in open access (free download):

 2009: Sound ambiances of Cairo: To propose an anthropology of sound environments
 2013: “The atmosphere is great”, or the evanescent relationship to soundscapes in Cairo
 2016: “The sound of society”: a method for investigating sound perception in Cairo
 2017: Mics in the ears: How to ask people in Cairo to talk about their sound universes
 2020: Towards a Sonic Ecology of Urban Life: Ethnography of Sound Perceptions in Cairo
 2020: Ethnographies Sounded on What? Methodologies, Sounds, and Experiences in Cairo

Au milieu d’une fête populaire de mariage dans la rue, chuchoter à l’oreille, Le Caire, Égypte, 21 nov. 2012 | In the midst of a popular street wedding party, whispering in his ear, Cairo, Egypt, Nov. 21st, 2012. © Vincent Battesti
© Vincent Battesti