Everything about France on this web site


Humans in deserts, Deserts Exhibition

In preparation: exhibition in Paris, from spring 2025

Humans in the desert

Forthcoming (in French): ed. part III of a collective work: Deserts, Living in extreme environments, 2024

Learning the senses, learning through the senses: Anthropology of sensory perceptions

Edited Book (in French) Vincent Battesti & Joël Candau (eds.), 2023, Paris, Éditions Pétra, 598 p.

Job offer at the CNRS: Technician for heritage collections at the Muséum national d’histoire naturelle

Position starting: February 1, 2024. Application deadline: Nov. 23, 2023.

Time to refine the geography of biodiversity hotspots by integrating molecular data: The Mediterranean Basin as a case study

Art. in English. New ! in Biological Conservation.

First public meeting of the CastaCorse project

The chestnut groves of Corsica: Anthropology, Ecology and History

ESPAR cluster (Egypt, Sudan and Arabian Peninsula), French Ministry of Foreign Affairs/CNRS

Member of the Scientific and Strategic Council of the ESPAR Cluster

Ethnoecology of the chestnut tree in Corsica, Mediterranean arboriculture in the light of Anthropology, Ecology and History

PhD thesis in progress (Oct. 2022-Sept. 2025): Doria Bellache

CBNC — Conservatoire botanique national de Corse

Member of the Scientific Council of the National Botanical Conservatory of Corsica

Perceptions and practices of its environment, contrasted in the oases and in the desert (Sahara, Arabia)

Lecture (in French/English) given for the workshop “The contour of the senses. Subjectivities, representations and sensitive experience of (…)

The body put to the cosmic test (The fleshly sociology of manned space flight)

Lecture (in French) given with sociologist Julie Patarin-Jossec and astronaut Jean-François Clervoy as part of the Histoire des sens lecture (…)

{Nec pluribus impar}, The idiosyncratic sensory of an extraterrestrial anthropology. Research residency in weightlessness at the “Observatoire de l’Espace”

Art. in French (2022). First hot report on a double fieldwork in Novespace with the CNES Observatoire de l’Espace.

Fieldwork at Novespace | Weightlessness Flight

March 2022: fieldwork for an Extraterrestrial Anthropology with the CNES Space Observatory

Cycle of conferences “History of the senses” at the Museum

Scientific organization of a cycle de conferences with Léo Mariani, organized by Jeanne-Marie Manaranche, at the Muséum national d’histoire (…)

The oasis model across the Sahara and the Near East

Lecture (in French) given for the UTL conferences, Université du temps-libre, of Marennes-Oléron, January 31th 2022, Saint-Pierre d’Oléron, île (…)

Cultivate your anthropology in the field of an enhanced ethnoecology

HDR | Habilitation à diriger des recherches - Paris, 2021.

Cultivate your anthropology in the field of an enhanced ethnoecology

HDR | Habilitation à diriger des recherches - Paris, 2021.

Cosmic Utopia | Pronaos

Experiment in progress.

“A denaturing orchard”: Ethnoecological approach of the chestnut groves of the Orezza valley (Castagniccia, Corsica)

Master thesis 2nd year, Muséum national d’histoire naturelle, by Doria Bellache (dir. Vincent Battesti)


Member of the Scientific Committee of the LabEx DRIIHM

Insularity Workshop WG2 in Corsica/Cargese

Co-organizer of the Insularity Workshop from 26th to 31st October 2020 at IESC (Cargese) in Corsica.


Chap. (in French) for the exhibition catalogue Christophe Lavelle & Marie Merlin (dirs), Je mange donc je suis. Petit dictionnaire curieux de (…)

Sound perception in Cairo: the city through the lens of a Sonic Ecology

Lecture (in French) with Nicolas Puig given as part of the Third “Congrès des études sur le Moyen-Orient et les mondes musulmans”, July 5th 2019, (…)

Domestication of date palms in Siwa oasis and across the Middle East and North Africa: articulate the scales of ethnography and domestication over the long term

Poster (in English) made for the International Symposium Harlan III, from June 3rd to 7th 2019, Montpellier SupAgro, Montpellier (France).

E.T. Anthropology: Research residence in zero-gravity at the CNES Space Observatory

For an extraterrestrial anthropology: sensorialities and cosmos. On board the Airbus A310 Zero-G.

The Revue d’ethnoécologie (Journal)

International peer-reviewed journal. The Revue d’ethnoécologie journal is the last formula of a long direct line (almost a century!) of titles, (…)

Creation of the CIRC: Centre international de recherches sur la Castagniccia

Finally, let’s get down to business.

Concert “A night in Cairo”: the Egyptian master Ahmed Wahdan in Paris

Iftar evening/party on Saturday, June 10 at the Institute of Islamic Cultures (ICI), 19 Léon Street (18th Arr.) at 10:30 pm, free admission.

Corps sonores (4/4) : Acoustiques urbaines : les sons de la société

Participation in the live radio broadcast “Culture Monde” on France Culture, Feb. 16th 2017, Maison de la Radio (Paris, France)

Urban Ambiances — صوت القاهرة

The Voice/Sound of Cairo: Mics in the Ears

Course « Anthropology of Sensory Perceptions » [2015-2018]

Anthropology course for the master EDTS at the National Museum of Natural History, Paris

Les métiers du Muséum: Ethnoécologue

The Muséum’s jobs: Ethnoecologist Lecture (in French) given for the meetings “Les métiers du Muséum” at the Muséum national d’histoire naturelle, (…)

Seminar/ talks of research 2016 Anthropologie des perceptions sensorielles: Apprendre

Anthropology of sensory perceptions: to learn Organizer of the seminar/talks of research 2016: To learn

Research seminar 2016-2018 Anthropologie des perceptions sensorielles

Anthropology of sensory perceptions Organizer of the research seminar 2016, 2017, and 2018

Opening of the new Musée de l’Homme, in Paris

My laboratory (UMR 7206 Éco-anthropologie) moved between late 2014 and early 2015 from the Jardin des Plantes (Botanical Garden) to the Musée de (…)

BioDivMeX Prospective Workshop/ Atelier de prospective BioDivMeX

Conf. (in French & English), participation to the BioDivMeX Prospective Workshop at the Observatoire de Haute Provence (OHP), from Sept. 29th (…)

Closure days of the seminar “Les révolutions en Égypte et en Tunisie; et si on parlait d’autres choses?”

Revolution in Egypt and Tunisia: let’s just talk about something else? Co-organizer of a two-days conference for the Closure of the Seminar “Les (…)

Seminar « Les révolutions en Égypte et en Tunisie ; et si on parlait d’autres choses ? »

Revolution in Egypt and Tunisia: let’s just talk about something else? Co-organizer of the seminar semimonthly during the academic year 2014-2015, (…)

Milson research team

Formally since 2012. MILSON is a research team dedicated to the discussion of the problematics and methods used in different disciplines (…)

GDR 3353 Mosaïque

Since 2009. Research group closed at the end of 2017. Member of the GDR 3353 Mosaïque. The GDR Mosaïque “Agroecosystems, Agrobiodiversity, and (…)

Mics in the ears: how to ask people in Cairo to talk about their sound universes

Lecture given at the international workshop held by the collective MILSON: “For an Anthropology of Sound Milieux” (February 16th and 17th, 2012, (…)

Symposium “Landscape evolutions, domestication and agrodiversity”

Part of the organization committee of the Symposium “Landscape evolutions, domestication and agrodiversity”, December 6th, 2011, Paris

1st Afea Congress: Knowledge, No/Our Limit

Organization Committee of the 1st Afea Congress (Association française d’ethnologie et d’anthropologie), on the issue “Knowledge, No/Our Limit” (…)

Natural and cultural landscapes, changes and preservation

Participation (in French) in the survey on Causses and Cévennes region application as part of World Heritage List of Cultural and natural heritage.

Course “Anthropology of Sensory Perceptions” [2009-2015]

Anthropology course for the master EDTS at the National Museum of Natural History, Paris

Recruited at the CNRS

Research officer 1st class, section 38 (ethnology/anthropology).

General assembly of the new federative association of anthropology (in France)

It was long in coming, many spokes put in the (few) wheels of the project, but it happens ...


Comité de liaison et de travail de l’anthropologie en France Liaison and work committee of anthropology in France

Presentation of my Research project

Research Project: Production of natures in North Africa and the Middle East. The oasis societies as laboratory, Marseille and Paris, March and May (…)

Opening of the exhibition Berbères, de rives en rêves (Berbers, from shores to dreams)

Wednesday, May 21st at 5 pm, Abbey of Daoulas

Inauguration of the exhibition Alive Natures: in the Children’s eyes

Tuesday, November 27th, 2007. 7 pm. Musée de l’Homme • Palais de Chaillot, Paris.

Fieldworks and ethnology

All the research fieldworks on the zone of North Africa (the Maghreb) and the Middle East: fieldworks in oasis and urban fieldworks. On a (…)

Moonlighter: AssisesEthno.org

Member of the Organization Comitee of the Assises de l’ethnologie et de l’anthropologie en France (Congress of the Ethnology and Anthropology in (…)



The professional experiences

(the most valorizating, of course).

Natures in the city, Dreams, claims and practices: For a compared project from Cairo

Lecture given at the Conference AFEMAM, Lyon, July 2nd-4th, 2004.

Being Muslim in Cairo, Tehran, Istanbul, Dakar and Paris

Being Muslim in Cairo, Tehran, Istanbul, Dakar and Paris • Sounds of public spaces in Cairo. Participation to the exhibition “Being Muslim in (…)

Place names of the land registry of Nocario (Haute-Corse), An ethnotoponymic approach

Lecture given at the CTHS Congress, April 15th, 2003, Bastia (France)

EHESS - seminar Identification de l’outillage agricole

Since 2003 Correspondent in the seminar of François Sigaut « Identification de l’outillage agricole : construction d’un système informatisé (…)

Société des africanistes

since 2002 Member of the Société des africanistes (Musée de l’Homme, Paris, France).

ENSP - École nationale supérieure du paysage de Versailles

since 2001 Associated researcher in the team « Outils et processus d’intervention sur le paysage », ENSP - École nationale supérieure du (…)

MNHN - Muséum national d’Histoire naturelle

since 2009 CNRS Researcher in the lab. Éco-anthropologie [UMR 7206 CNRS/MNHN/Univ. de Paris), Muséum national d’Histoire naturelle on the site (…)

Was Rimbaud An Economist?

Art. review of L’Horreur Économique for d.pict, 1998.

Relations to the desert of the monotheistic religions

DEA (Master) thesis (Social Sciences) - Paris, 1993.

An experimental charcoal burner’s clearing, Methodology of anthracology on charcoal burner’s clearing for an approach of management of the forest environment in Languedoc [South France]

Master’s thesis (Biology of the organizations and populations) - Montpellier, 1992.