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Published works: my publications (articles, chapters, books). Most of them are accessible to download.
Some articles or chapters or books are also in press and it is there: In progress and forthcoming.


Strontium isotope evidence for Pre-Islamic cotton cultivation in Arabia

Monday 18 December 2023 - Saskia E. Ryan , Éric Douville , Arnaud Dapoigny , Pierre Deschamps , Vincent Battesti , Abel Guihou , Matthieu Lebon , Jérôme Rohmer , Vladimir Dabrowski , Patricia Dal Prà , Laïla Nehmé , Antoine Zazzo , Charlène Bouchaud

New! Art. in English. In Frontiers in Earth Science journal.


Learning the senses, learning through the senses: Anthropology of sensory perceptions

Monday 4 December 2023 - Vincent Battesti , Joël Candau

New Book (in French)!
Vincent Battesti & Joël Candau (eds.), 2023 — Apprendre les sens, apprendre par les sens : Anthropologie des perceptions sensorielles, Paris, Éditions Pétra (series Univers sensoriels et sciences sociales), 598 p. (24 contributors)
ISBN : 978-2-84743-314-2

With twenty chapters drawn primarily from anthropology, but also from sociology, psychology, neuroscience, primatology and archaeology, this book offers a vast panorama of the ways in which human beings share the sensory. It argues that discovering and learning about the world through the senses implies neither radical cognitive relativism, nor the confinement of each individual in a singular Umwelt, and that sensory and multisensory learning is always culturally modulated. We learn the senses, we learn through the senses.


Conditions and modalities of sensory enskilment: an anthropological disputatio

Monday 4 December 2023 - Vincent Battesti , Joël Candau

New! - Chap. (in French): — in Apprendre les sens, apprendre par les sens : Anthropologie des perceptions sensorielles, edited by Vincent Battesti & Joël Candau (2023).


Bedouins and Sedentaries today in al-‘Ulâ (Kingdom of Saudi Arabia): al-diyâr and al-Dîra in the rear-view mirror

Saturday 1 July 2023 - Vincent Battesti , Léo Marty

New! Art. in English in Arabian Humanities journal.


Bédouins et Sédentaires aujourd’hui à al-‘Ulâ (Royaume d’Arabie saoudite), al-diyâr et al-Dîra dans le rétroviseur

Saturday 1 July 2023 - Vincent Battesti , Léo Marty

New! Art. in French in Arabian Humanities.


Time to refine the geography of biodiversity hotspots by integrating molecular data: The Mediterranean Basin as a case study

Saturday 17 June 2023 - Jan Perret , Océane Cobelli , Adrien Taudière , Julien Andrieu , Yildiz Aumeeruddy-Thomas , Jamila Ben Souissi , Guillaume Besnard , Gabriele Casazza , Pierre-André Crochet , Thibaud Decaëns , Françoise Denis , Philippe Geniez , Michael Loizides , Frédéric Médail , Vanina Pasqualini , Claudia Speciale , Vincent Battesti , Pierre Chevaldonné , Christophe Lejeusne , Franck Richard

Art. in English. New ! in Biological Conservation.


What lies behind a fruit crop variety name? A case study of the barnī date palm from al-‘Ulā oasis, Saudi Arabia

Sunday 1 January 2023 - Muriel Gros-Balthazard , Vincent Battesti , Jonathan M. Flowers , Sylvie Ferrand , Matthieu Breil , Sarah Ivorra , Jean-Frédéric Terral , Michael Purugganan , Rod A. Wing , Nahed Mohammed , Yann Bourgeois

New ! Art. in Plants, People, Planet journal, vol. 5 (1), Jan. 2023, p. 82-97


Oasis palm groves, ecosystems designed by humans

Friday 30 September 2022 - Vincent Battesti

New - Chap. (in French): — in La Terre, le vivant, les humains, Petites et grandes découvertes de l’histoire naturelle edited by Jean-Denis Vigne & Bruno David.


Nec pluribus impar, The idiosyncratic sensory of an extraterrestrial anthropology. Research residency in weightlessness at the “Observatoire de l’Espace”

Sunday 3 April 2022 - Vincent Battesti

Art. in French (2022). First hot report on a double fieldwork in Novespace with the CNES Observatoire de l’Espace.


Urban Anthropology: The MENA Region (Middle East and North Africa)

Tuesday 21 December 2021 - Vincent Battesti , Nicolas Puig

Chap. with Nicolas Puig (2021) for The International Encyclopedia of Anthropology


Cultivate your anthropology in the field of an enhanced ethnoecology

Wednesday 20 October 2021 - Vincent Battesti

HDR | Habilitation à diriger des recherches - Paris, 2021.


Is Barnī, a date palm cultivated in the oasis of al-‘Ulā, a true-to-type cultivar or an ethnovariety? Arguments from ethnographic and genetic data

Tuesday 2 February 2021 - Vincent Battesti , Muriel Gros-Balthazard , Matthieu Breil , Sarah Ivorra , Sylvie Ferrand , Jean-Frédéric Terral

Report: — New


Ethnographies Sounded on What? Methodologies, Sounds, and Experiences in Cairo

Thursday 10 December 2020 - Vincent Battesti

New - Chapter (in English): — published in The Bloomsbury Handbook of Sonic Methodologies edited by Michael Bull and Marcel Cobussen.


The Mediterranean oases

Thursday 5 November 2020 - Vincent Battesti , Muriel Gros-Balthazard

Art. [in French] On the website of INSU (Institut national des sciences de l’Univers, CNRS), Les oasis méditerranéennes, Nov. 5, 2020


Festivals & Celebrations - Cities in the Maghreb and the Middle East

Thursday 17 September 2020 - Vincent Battesti

New in Bénédicte Florin, Anna Madoeuf, Olivier Sanmartin, Roman Stadnicki & Florence Troin (dirs), Abécédaire de la ville au Maghreb et au Moyen-Orient, Tours, Presses universitaires François-Rabelais collection Villes & Territoires, p. 145-146.


Leisure - Cities in the Maghreb and the Middle East

Thursday 17 September 2020 - Vincent Battesti

New in Bénédicte Florin, Anna Madoeuf, Olivier Sanmartin, Roman Stadnicki & Florence Troin (dirs), Abécédaire de la ville au Maghreb et au Moyen-Orient, Tours, Presses universitaires François-Rabelais collection Villes & Territoires, p. 200-203.


Restaurants - Cities in the Maghreb and the Middle East

Thursday 17 September 2020 - Vincent Battesti

New in Bénédicte Florin, Anna Madoeuf, Olivier Sanmartin, Roman Stadnicki & Florence Troin (dirs), Abécédaire de la ville au Maghreb et au Moyen-Orient, Tours, Presses universitaires François-Rabelais, collection Villes & Territoires, p. 319-321.


On the necessity of combining ethnobotany and genetics to assess agrobiodiversity and its evolution in crops: a case study on date palms (Phoenix dactylifera L.) in Siwa Oasis, Egypt

Wednesday 2 September 2020 - Muriel Gros-Balthazard , Vincent Battesti , Sarah Ivorra , Laure Paradis , Frédérique Aberlenc , Oumarou Zango , Salwa Zehdi , Souhila Moussouni , Summar Abbas Naqvi , Claire Newton , Jean-Frédéric Terral

Art. (in English): New: published Sept. 2020
Muriel Gros-Balthazard* & Vincent Battesti* et al.. published in Evolutionary Applications journal (2020) vol. 13 (8), p. 1818-1840
[Siwa #2]


Tomatoes in the heart of the Sahara

Sunday 2 August 2020 - Vincent Battesti

Interview (in French) by Christel Trinquier, Ouest-France, 2 August 2020.


Towards a Sonic Ecology of Urban Life: Ethnography of Sound Perceptions in Cairo

Monday 6 July 2020 - Vincent Battesti , Nicolas Puig

Art. (in English), co-written with Nicolas Puig, in The Senses and Society, 2020, vol. 15 (2), p. 170-191.


Anthropological issues of the communities of al-‘Ulā oasis: Scientific and synthesis note

Friday 15 May 2020 - Vincent Battesti

Report: — New



Tuesday 22 October 2019 - Vincent Battesti

Chap. (in French) for the exhibition catalogue Christophe Lavelle & Marie Merlin (dirs), Je mange donc je suis. Petit dictionnaire curieux de l’alimentation, Paris, Muséum national d’histoire naturelle, 2019.


Between environmental controversies and development projects: the landscape to the test of the senses

Saturday 10 August 2019 - Vincent Battesti , Élise Geisler , Christophe Mager , Laurent Matthey

Just published!. In French: edition of the vol. 18, issue 3 of VertigO journal with Élise Geisler, Christophe Mager & Laurent Matthey.


Between environmental controversies and development projects: the landscape to the test of the senses

Saturday 10 August 2019 - Vincent Battesti , Élise Geisler , Christophe Mager , Laurent Matthey

Just published! (in French) Introduction to vol. 18, issue 3 of VertigO journal with Élise Geisler, Christophe Mager & Laurent Matthey.


Listening to the World, with MILSON, the anthropologists of sound environments

Tuesday 28 May 2019 - Vincent Battesti

Just published!
Audio tracks: “The voice of Cairo - Egypt” & “The coffees of Cairo - Egypt”, in Monica Fantini & Christine Guillebaud, Listening to the World, RFI, 2019.


Oases, networks nodes

Thursday 16 May 2019 - Vincent Battesti

Chap. (in French) for the exhibition catalogue S. Caratini, C. Grémont, C. Lesourd & O. Schinz (dirs), Sahara, mondes connectés, Paris, Marseille, Gallimard / Musée des arts africains, océaniens, amérindiens, 2019.


The possibilities of an island: Oasian insularities in the Sahara and Genesis of oases

Thursday 12 July 2018 - Vincent Battesti

Chap. (in French) for the book G. Tallet & T. Sauzeau (eds.), Mer et désert de l’Antiquité à nos jours, Approches croisées, Presses universitaires de Rennes, 2018, p. 105-144.


Date palm agrobiodiversity (Phoenix dactylifera L.) in Siwa oasis, Egypt: combining ethnography, morphometry, and genetics

Wednesday 20 June 2018 - Vincent Battesti , Muriel Gros-Balthazard , Clémence Ogéron , Sarah Ivorra , Jean-Frédéric Terral , Claire Newton

Art. (in English):
Vincent Battesti* & Muriel Gros-Balthazard*, Clémence Ogéron, Sarah Ivorra, Jean-Frédéric Terral, Claire Newton, 2018 — « Date palm agrobiodiversity (Phoenix dactylifera L.) in Siwa oasis, Egypt : combining ethnography, morphometry, and genetics », Human Ecology, vol. 46 (4), p. 529-546
[Siwa #1]


The Discovery of Wild Date Palms in Oman Reveals a Complex Domestication History Involving Centers in the Middle East and Africa

Thursday 13 July 2017 - Muriel Gros-Balthazard , Marco Galimberti , Athanasios Kousathanas , Claire Newton , Sarah Ivorra , Laure Paradis , Yves Vigouroux , Robert Carter , Margareta Tengberg , Vincent Battesti , Sylvain Santoni , Laurent Falquet , Jean-Christophe Pintaud , Jean-Frédéric Terral , Daniel Wegmann

Art. (in English),
Gros-Balthazard, Muriel, et al., 2017 — « The Discovery of Wild Date Palms in Oman Reveals a Complex Domestication History Involving Centers in the Middle East and Africa ». Current Biology, vol. 27 (14), p. 2211-2218.e8

I am far from being at the beginning in the list of authors (and my biggest contribution was to have sampled date palms in situ, but the paper is important: it is indeed the first time that the Wild date palm can be identified.
And this plays a crucial role in the understanding of its still mysterious domestication.


Mics in the ears: How to ask people in Cairo to talk about their sound universes

Friday 19 May 2017 - Vincent Battesti

Chap. (in English),
in Christine Guillebaud (ed.), Toward an Anthropology of Ambient Sound, London, Routledge, Routledge studies in Anthropology (series), 2017.


From waterfalls to snowy forests, Egyptian posters show what exotic looks like from the desert

Friday 24 March 2017 - Vincent Battesti

Art. (in English)
in The Conversation, Global edition 2017
The pastiche-style poster art ubiquitous in Egyptian houses and businesses reveals how locals imagine far-off landscapes, idealise nature and define beauty.


“The sound of society”: a method for investigating sound perception in Cairo

Thursday 13 October 2016 - Vincent Battesti , Nicolas Puig

Art. (in English) with Nicolas Puig
in The Senses & Society, 2016
Contemporary French Sensory Anthropology.


Ethnoecology of pollination and pollinators: Knowledge and practice in three societies

Tuesday 30 June 2015 - Marie Roué , Vincent Battesti , Nicolas Césard , Romain Simenel

Art. (in English) published in Revue d’ethnoécologie journal (2015), vol. 7
with Marie Roué, Nicolas Césard, and Romain Simenel


Resources and Appropriations: Back to the Jerid Oases (Tunisia) after the Revolution

Wednesday 20 May 2015 - Vincent Battesti

Art. (in English) translated from an art. published in French in Études rurales (2013)


Wādī Abū Ṣubeīra, Feb. 2015, Field Note Summary, Social Anthropology | Wādī Abū Ṣubeīra, fév. 2015, Synthèse de notes de terrain, Anthropologie sociale

Tuesday 19 May 2015 - Vincent Battesti

Report: — New


Resources and appropriations: Return, after the revolution, to the oases of Jerid (Tunisia)

Thursday 13 February 2014 - Vincent Battesti

Art. (in French) in Études rurales in 2013.
Tarik Dahou, Mohamed Elloumi & François Molle (eds.), EHESS.


The Date Palm: Origin and Cultivation in the Middle East and in Egypt

Wednesday 8 January 2014 - Margareta Tengberg , Vincent Battesti , Claire Newton

Journal issue (in English and French) edited with Margareta Tengberg, and Claire Newton, Revue d’ethnoécologie, “The Date Palm: Origin and Cultivation in the Middle East and in Egypt/Le Palmier dattier: Origine et culture en Égypte et au Moyen-Orient”, vol. 4, 2013.


The agrobiodiversity of the Date Palm (Phoenix dactylifera L.) in Siwa Oasis (Egypt): between what is said, written, and forgotten

Tuesday 7 January 2014 - Vincent Battesti

Art. (in French) in Revue d’ethnoécologie - vol. 4, 2013, “The Date Palm : Origin and Cultivation in the Middle East and in Egypt”
[Siwa #0]


“The unrivalled tree”. Date palms and palm groves in the Middle East and Egypt, from Prehistory to the present day

Tuesday 7 January 2014 - Margareta Tengberg , Claire Newton , Vincent Battesti

Art. (in French) in Revue d’ethnoécologie - vol. 4, 2013 “The Date Palm : Origin and Cultivation in the Middle East and in Egypt”


“The atmosphere is great”, or the evanescent relationship to soundscapes in Cairo

Monday 2 December 2013 - Vincent Battesti

Invitation to a participant listening and proposal of an analytical perspective.

Chap. (in French), in Joël Candau & Marie-Barbara Le Gonidec (eds.), Paysages sensoriels. Essai d’anthropologie de la construction et de la perception de l’environnement sonore, éditions CTHS, Paris, 2013.


Participation to the book “People and Natures”

Sunday 20 May 2012 - Vincent Battesti

IRD Publishing House prepared a general public book for the 13th Congress of the International Society of Ethnobiology in Montpellier (France) from May 20th-25th, 2012.
Entitled “Hommes et natures / People and Natures / Seres humanos y naturalezas”, this book trilingual, available to the public, aims to discover the approach of ethnobiology through field photographs provided by a fifty researchers. Nearly 110 photos were selected.
« Hommes et Natures » Editors: Élisabeth Motte-Florac, (…)


The Saharan oasis put to the test of its Landscape: The Jerid

Tuesday 10 January 2012 - Vincent Battesti

Chapter (in English) published in Virginie Lefebvre, with Aziza Chaouni (eds.), Desert Tourism: tracing the fragile edges of development, Cambridge (MA), Harvard University Press, 2012.

Certainly, oasian landscapes are “built nature”, but we maybe have to find out now by whom they were built… The oasis: a place to work or a place to stroll? The usual local definition of the garden manages a place for leisure and work unlike European tourists who underestimate the anthropic quality of a palm grove. An ethnoecology of the oasis landscape deals with the cross-actions of practices and narratives of various actors of this specific desert space.


The Power of a Disappearance: Water in the Jerid region of Tunisia

Thursday 22 December 2011 - Vincent Battesti

Chapter (in English) published in B. R. Johnston & all. (eds.), Water, Cultural Diversity & Global Environmental Change: Emerging Trends, Sustainable Futures?, UNESCO/Springer, 2012.


The Egyptian Cinema and the Social Classes Issue

Wednesday 4 May 2011 - Viola Shafik , Vincent Battesti

Translation (to French) of a chapter for the book V. Battesti & F. Ireton (eds.), L’Égypte au présent, Inventaire d’une société avant révolution, Paris, éditions Sindbad-Actes Sud, 2011.


Linguistic Practices and Social Contexts

Wednesday 4 May 2011 - Madiha Doss , Vincent Battesti

Collaboration to and translation (to French) of a chapter of the book V. Battesti & F. Ireton (eds.), L’Égypte au présent, Inventaire d’une société avant révolution, Paris, éditions Sindbad-Actes Sud, 2011.


Practices and experiences of a popular Egyptian Islam

Wednesday 4 May 2011 - Vincent Battesti

Chapter (in French) of the book V. Battesti & F. Ireton (eds.), L’Égypte au présent, Inventaire d’une société avant révolution, Paris, Sindbad-Actes Sud, 2011.


How anyone can be urban? Cities and urban lives

Wednesday 4 May 2011 - Vincent Battesti , Nicolas Puig

Chapter (in French) of the book V. Battesti & F. Ireton (eds.), L’Égypte au présent, Inventaire d’une société avant révolution, Paris, Sindbad-Actes Sud, 2011.


Foreword & Introduction to Contemporary Egypt

Wednesday 4 May 2011 - Vincent Battesti , François Ireton

Chapter (in French) of the book V. Battesti & F. Ireton (eds.), L’Égypte au présent, Inventaire d’une société avant révolution, Paris, Sindbad-Actes Sud, 2011.


Prelude: conversation in a Cairo taxi

Wednesday 4 May 2011 - Vincent Battesti , Safa Dahab

Chapter (in French) of the book V. Battesti & F. Ireton (eds.), L’Égypte au présent, Inventaire d’une société avant révolution, Paris, Sindbad-Actes Sud, 2011.


L’Égypte au présent, Inventaire d’une société avant révolution

Wednesday 4 May 2011 - Vincent Battesti , François Ireton

Today’s Egypt: Inventory of a society prior to revolution
Paris, Sindbad-Actes Sud (coll. La Bibliothèque arabe), 1200 pages (40 contributors)
ISBN: 978-2-7427-9780-6

The “people’s revolution” in Egypt - Thawrat al-Sha’b - erupted Jan. 25, 2011 while our editor was laying out this work. The inventory of the Egyptian society that this book is offering therefore is published timely when Egypt lives a turning point in its history. Many connoisseurs of this country envisioned that large movements of political and social challenges can happen and lead to profound changes, however, no one would venture to forecast the timing, modalities and scope. Number of chapters in this book shed light on socio-economic and political issues that became intolerable in the eyes of many Egyptians, and shed light also on various social groups that became leading forces of this movement. This Égypte au présent (Egypt of today) gives a “full-size” image of the multiplicity and extent of the problems, that will have to face as challenges, the democratic system which, hopefully, will be the outcome of the process.


Natural and cultural landscapes, changes and preservation

Tuesday 29 March 2011 - Marie Roué , Vincent Battesti

Participation (in French) in the survey on Causses and Cévennes region application as part of World Heritage List of Cultural and natural heritage.


From Siwa to Cairo, the making of heritage feeds from the Others’ desire

Tuesday 22 December 2009 - Vincent Battesti

Article (in French) published in Égypte/Monde arabe n°5-6, 2009: Pratiques du patrimoine en Égypte et au Soudan. Issue edited by Omnia Aboukorah, Jean-Gabriel Leturcq, Alain Roussillon †.
The idea is to compare the designation of building features as heritage in Cairo and in Siwa Oasis in Egypt, apparently two very contrasted situations. The local actors (to be distinguished by categories), in Siwa and in Cairo, speak about architecture to actually mention something else.


Sound ambiances of Cairo: To propose an anthropology of sound environments

Thursday 24 September 2009 - Vincent Battesti

Article (in French) for Les Cahiers du GERHICO (2009).


Tourism in oasis, Natural and cultural mirages of an encounter?

Tuesday 23 June 2009 - Vincent Battesti

Art. (in French) in Cahier d’études africaines (2009, éditions de l’EHESS, Paris)
Numéro “Tourismes. La quête de soi par la pratique des autres” (issue “Tourisms. The quest for self in the practice of other”).
From Tourism to discover the nature of North African oases to Tourism to attain now the “essential nature” of oases’ communities, this article will show that the landscape, and environmental dimensions remain a permanent feature, fueled by transnational imaginations. Fieldworks on Siwa oasis in Egypt and Tozeur oasis and Jerid region in Tunisia.


Earthen architectures. The example of Siwa

Thursday 7 August 2008 - Vincent Battesti

Architectures de terre, l’exemple de Siwa
Chapter (in French) in the exhibition catalogue “Berbères, de rives en rêves” (2008) at the abbey of Daoulas.


Oasis (among other things)

Monday 30 April 2007 - Vincent Battesti

Contributions to Wikipedia, the free encyclopaedia


“Why should I go to see from above things I already know from below?”

Monday 29 January 2007 - Vincent Battesti

Article (in French) in the volume 3/3rd serie of Egypte/Monde arabe, 2006.
Original title: “Pourquoi j’irais voir d’en haut ce que je connais déjà d’en bas”?" Centralités et circulations : comprendre l’usage des espaces dans l’oasis de Siwa


Fieldworks of Egypt, Contemporary anthropologies

Monday 29 January 2007 - Vincent Battesti , Nicolas Puig

Edition, with Nicolas Puig, of a volume of the Égypte-Monde Arabe journal, on the “Terrains d’Égypte, anthropologies contemporaines” [Fieldworks of Egypt, Contemporary anthropologies], n° 3, 3e série, 1er semestre 2006, 213 p.
Published in Jan. 2007.
This issue takes pretext of Egypt to address the variety of the relationships to fieldwork by ethnologists.


Fieldworks of Egypt: introduction

Monday 29 January 2007 - Vincent Battesti , Nicolas Puig

Terrains d’Égypte: introduction
Article(in French) in the volume 3/3rd serie of Egypte/Monde arabe, 2006.


The Art of Telling It [Translation to French]

Monday 29 January 2007 - Vincent Battesti

Translation of an article of Barbara Drieskens in the volume 3/3rd serie of Égypte/Monde arabe, 2006.


Dwelling with feet of clay, Trials and tribulations of construction materials and techniques in Siwa (Egypt)

Wednesday 4 October 2006 - Vincent Battesti

Art. (in French) Journal des Africanistes (2006).
Original title: De l’habitation aux pieds d’argile, Les vicissitudes des matériaux et techniques de construction à Siwa (Égypte)


The Giza Zoo: Re-Appropriating Public Spaces, Re-Imagining Urban Beauty

Tuesday 6 June 2006 - Vincent Battesti

Chapter (in English) in Cairo Cosmopolitan (2006).


Berber children of Siwa (Egypt) draw their oasis.

Saturday 3 June 2006 - Vincent Battesti

Part of an exhibition, Musée de l’Homme (Paris)
Exhibition project in the Musée de l’Homme in Paris in 2007/2008. The nature drawn by the children of 15 places in the world. Scientific department: Hélène Pagezy (MNHN).


Gardens in the desert, Evolution of oasis practices and knowledge, Jerid, Tunisia

Tuesday 21 June 2005 - Vincent Battesti

Vincent Battesti (2005), Jardins au désert, Évolution des pratiques et savoirs oasiens, Jérid tunisien
Book (in French) published by Éditions IRD, coll. À travers champs, Paris, 2005, 440 p.
ISBN 2-7099-1564-2


Some Public Spaces in Cairo: the Parks

Thursday 29 April 2004 - Vincent Battesti

Des espaces publics au Caire : les jardins publics
Art. (in French) cd-rom Espaces publics et espaces marchands



Saturday 13 December 2003 - Vincent Battesti

Contribution (in English) for the Encyclopedia of the Modern Middle East and North Africa, 2nd ed.


Sounds of public spaces in Cairo

Sunday 9 November 2003 - Vincent Battesti

Sons des espaces publics au Caire
CD-Roms of sounds for the exhibition “Être musulmane, être musulman au Caire, à Téhéran, à Istanbul, à Dakar et à Paris”


The history of the gardens in Cairo till the 18th century [Group of research]

Tuesday 21 October 2003 - Vincent Battesti

L’histoire des jardins du Caire jusqu’au XVIIIe siècle [Groupe de recherche]
Art. (in French) Lettre d’information de l’OUCC


Smell Sui Generis: Subterfuge in the Domestication of the Date Palm (Tassili n’Ajjer, Algeria)

Friday 31 January 2003 - Vincent Battesti

Odeur sui generis, Le subterfuge dans la domestication du palmier dattier (Tassili n’Ajjer, Algérie)
Art.(in French) in Anthropozoologica journal


The oases of Jerid, natural and ideal resources

September 2001 - Vincent Battesti

Les oasis du Jérid, des ressources naturelles et idéelles
Chap. (in French) in Environnement et sociétés rurales en mutation, Approches alternatives, 2004


An Outline of a Yemeni Body Language (Taiz and Sanaa)

2001 - Vincent Battesti

Esquisse d’une communication gestuelle yéménite (Taez et Sanaa)
Art. (in French) in Chroniques yéménites journal.


Les relations équivoques, approches circonspectes pour une socioécologie des oasis sahariennes

November 2000 - Vincent Battesti

French abstract of the Doctorate Thesis, Saharan Studies Association Newsletter


The temporal scales in the Jerid oases (Tunisia)

September 2000 - Vincent Battesti

Les échelles temporelles des oasis du Jérid tunisien
Art. (in French) in Anthropos journal


The equivocal relations and the oases

June 1999 - Vincent Battesti

Les relations équivoques et les oasis
Art.(in French) in Sécheresse, Science et changements planétaires journal


The sense of the places, Spaces and pratices in the palm groves of the Jerid (Southwest Tunisia)

1999 - Vincent Battesti , Nicolas Puig

Le sens des lieux, Espaces et pratiques dans les palmeraies du Jérid (Sud-ouest tunisien)
Art. (in French) in JATBA, revue d’ethnobiologie journal


The oases of Jerid: permanent revolutions?

Friday 20 September 1996 - Vincent Battesti

Les oasis du Jérid: des révolutions permanentes?
Book/report (in French) published by Cirad, Montpellier, 1997.


Works in progress…

1996 - Vincent Battesti

The rest of the work is not yet finished, they are the... works in progress!
It is over here…


Open access archiving: on HAL Open archives

Sunday 1 January 1995 - Vincent Battesti

The totality of my written production is available in open access on the HAL Open Archives server.