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by Vincent Battesti, Muriel Gros-Balthazard

Report produced for Afalula (French Agency for the Development of al-Ula):
 Working list of named types of date palms cultivated in al-‘Ulā oasis (KSA)
Battesti, Vincent & Muriel Gros-Balthazard,
Project — Ethnographic, genetic, and morphometric analyses of the date palm agrobiodiversity in al-‘Ulā oasis
CNRS & IRD, Paris & Montpellier, 6 p.
15 May 2023

\confidential report\
This report was submitted to AFALULA, which forwarded it to the Royal Commission for AlUla, and in particular to its Department of Agriculture..

 Essential information:
This working list of the different types of cultivated date palms in the oasis of al-‘Ulā oasis (KSA) is produced by the al-‘Ulā DPA research project as a contribution to the development of the region and the preservation of its phoenicultural heritage, and as a working document for possible critical feedback. Around a hundred named types of date palm make up the great but little-known or underestimated wealth of this oasis, a significant proportion of which we consider to be at critical risk of extinction in the near future.

At harvest time, a date palm of the local elite named type ḥalwah ḥamrā’ in a farm of the old palm grove of al-‘Ulā oasis (KSA), 10 Oct. 2022. © Vincent Battesti
© Vincent Battesti