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English → Researches → The Oases al-‘Ulā oasis, Saudi Arabia → al-‘Ulā AS Project: Anthropological survey of al-‘Ulā community and its oasis system →

Project participants to al-‘Ulā AS Project

Research Projet: Anthropological survey of al-‘Ulā community and its oasis system

Vincent Battesti , Nicolas Puig , Léo Marty , François Ireton , Dalila Ghodbane , Élise Gaury , Blandine Destremau , Joëlle Brochier-Puig , Doria Bellache , Serge Bahuchet , Maxime de Serre de Saint Roman

The al-‘Ulā AS Project - Anthropological survey of al-’Ulā community and its oasis system - has the ambition to cumulate and synthesize the expertise of several researchers to establish its scientific analysis on al-‘Ulā oasis in Saudi Arabia.
The researchers associated with the project, direct participants - in addition to collaborations with other scientific projects under the AFALULA umbrella - are (PI, and then in alphabetic order):

 Dr. Vincent Battesti

CNRS Social anthropologist - Arab region, PI of the project.

 Pr. Serge Bahuchet

Ethnoecologist, Professor at the Muséum national d’histoire naturelle.

 Doria Bellache

Ethnoecologist, PhD candidate at the Muséum national d’histoire naturelle.

 Dr. Joëlle Brochier-Puig

Geographer - Arab region, freelance.

 Dr. Blandine Destremau

CNRS Sociologist - Arab region.

 Élise Gaury

Agricultural engineer, CNRS contract.

 Dr. Dalila Ghodbane

Architect and ethnographer - Arab region, associate researcher at CEDEJ.

 Dr François Ireton

Rural sociologist - Arab region CNRS.

 Léo Marty

Social anthropologist - Arab region, PhD candidate at the Muséum national d’histoire naturelle (CNRS contract).

 Dr. Nicolas Puig

IRD Social anthropologist - Arab region.

 Maxime de Serre de Saint Roman

Agricultural engineer.

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Vincent Battesti , Nicolas Puig , Léo Marty , François Ireton , Dalila Ghodbane , Élise Gaury , Blandine Destremau , Joëlle Brochier-Puig , Doria Bellache , Serge Bahuchet , Maxime de Serre de Saint Roman , "Project participants to al-‘Ulā AS Project " (online), Anthropoasis |, page published 23 May 2022 (consulted 26 April 2024), available on: