Everything about date palm on this web site


Digging deeper into the impacts of different soil water systems on the date palm root architecture and associated fungal communities

Art. (in English) A. Robin-Soriano et al. in Symbiosis (2025)

Book in progress: The living heritage of an undervalued agrobiodiversity : an analytical survey of practices and categorization of date palms in al-‘Ulā oasis, Saudi Arabia

Book of al-‘Ulā DPA project, work in progress.

The living heritage of an undervalued agrobiodiversity: An analytical survey of practices and categorization of date palms in al-‘Ulā oasis, Saudi Arabia

A book in progress by al-’Ulā DPA Project

Varietal diversity and cultivation practices of the date palm in the AlUla oasis

Chap. in English in AlUla : Wonder of Arabia (2023), Vincent Battesti & Muriel Gros-Balthazard.

From Holocene Agroecosystems to Contemporary Oasis Patterns: Archaeological Keys and Perspectives on the Past

Lecture (in French) given as part of the workshop “Paleo-environment: Past climates, landscape dynamics, and human-environment interactions in the (…)

Harvesting the Biocultural in Palm Groves…? Collection and Ethnobotany of the Date Palm (Phoenix dactylifera L.)

Lecture (in French) given at the Herbarium, National Botanical Collection, National Museum of Natural History, Jardin des Plantes, on April 30, (…)

Fourth-year Report—Dec. 2023. Ethnographic, genetic, and morphometric analyses of the date palm agrobiodiversity in al-‘Ulā oasis

Annual Report 2023

Emergence and evolution of date palm cultivation in Northwestern Arabia

Lecture (in English) given for the international conference “Human-Environment Interactions in Ancient Arabia” (HEIAA), at the University of (…)

Emergence and evolution of date palm cultivation in Northwestern Arabia

Lecture (in English) given for the international conference “Human-Environment Interactions in Ancient Arabia” (HEIAA), at the University of (…)

Job offer at the CNRS: Technician for heritage collections at the Muséum national d’histoire naturelle

Position starting: February 1, 2024. Application deadline: Nov. 23, 2023.

Working list of named types of date palms cultivated in al-‘Ulā oasis (KSA)

Research report 2023 (in English).

Sampling date palms in al-’Ulā (Saudi Arabia)

Video of ethnobotanical/genetic fieldwork.

What lies behind a fruit crop variety name? A case study of the barnī date palm from al-‘Ulā oasis, Saudi Arabia

Art. in Plants, People, Planet journal, vol. 5 (1), Jan. 2023, p. 82-97

Third-year Report—Nov. 2022. Ethnographic, genetic, and morphometric analyses of the date palm agrobiodiversity in al-‘Ulā oasis

Annual Report 2022

Investigating the date palms of a three thousand year old oasis

Press review

What lies behind fruit crops variety names? The date palm as a case study

Lecture (in English) with Muriel Gros-Balthazard given for the EUNOPS (European Network of Palm Scientists) Conference, October 2022, Geneva (…)

Oasis palm groves, ecosystems designed by humans

Chap. (in French) in La Terre, le vivant, les humains, Petites et grandes découvertes de l’histoire naturelle edited by Jean-Denis Vigne & (…)

Project participants to al-‘Ulā DPA Project

Addition and convergence of scientific expertise for a research on the agrobiodiversity of date palms and their history in al-‘Ulā oasis in Saudi (…)

The oasis model across the Sahara and the Near East

Lecture (in French) given for the UTL conferences, Université du temps-libre, of Marennes-Oléron, January 31th 2022, Saint-Pierre d’Oléron, île (…)

Cultivating Anthropology in the Field of Augmented Ethnoecology

HDR | Habilitation à diriger des recherches - Paris, 2021.

Second-year Report—Sept. 2021. Ethnographic, genetic, and morphometric analyses of the date palm agrobiodiversity in al-‘Ulā oasis

Annual Report 2021

Thinking oasis history from the present: date palm agrobiodiversity and Saharan insularities

Lecture (in French) given for the research seminar “Saharan worlds: sources, spaces, societies (8th-19th century)”, February 12th 2021, IISMM, (…)

Is Barnī, a date palm cultivated in the oasis of al-‘Ulā, a true-to-type cultivar or an ethnovariety? Arguments from ethnographic and genetic data

Report (2021) (in English)

The Mediterranean oases

Art. [in French] On the website of INSU (Institut national des sciences de l’Univers, CNRS), Les oasis méditerranéennes, Nov. 5, 2020

First-year Report—Sept. 2020. Ethnographic, genetic, and morphometric analyses of the date palm agrobiodiversity in al-‘Ulā oasis

Annual Report 2020

On the necessity of combining ethnobotany and genetics to assess agrobiodiversity and its evolution in crops: a case study on date palms ({Phoenix dactylifera} L.) in Siwa Oasis, Egypt

Art. (in English): New: published Sept. 2020 Muriel Gros-Balthazard* & Vincent Battesti* et al.. published in Evolutionary Applications (…)

Date palm genetic and diversity: The case of al-‘Ulā oasis

Research Report 2020.

Origins and diversity of the Date Palm in al-‘Ulā Oasis, Saudi Arabia: a multidisciplinary approach combining Genomics, Ethnobotany and Archaeobiology

Unfinished doctoral thesis (Feb. 2020-Sept. 2021): Matthieu Breil


Chap. (in French) for the exhibition catalogue Christophe Lavelle & Marie Merlin (dirs), Je mange donc je suis. Petit dictionnaire curieux de (…)

Domestication of date palms in Siwa oasis and across the Middle East and North Africa: articulate the scales of ethnography and domestication over the long term

Poster (in English) made for the International Symposium Harlan III, from June 3rd to 7th 2019, Montpellier SupAgro, Montpellier (France).

What is the use of a geneticist to an anthropologist, and vice versa: date palms in the Sahara

Lecture (in French) given for the Master conference « Agrobiodiversité » (AE/AST - UE 39 M2, coord. by Serge Bahuchet and François Léger), October (…)

Date palms of the Siwa oasis and the Saharan island network: Status of tested hypotheses

Lecture (in French) given during the WG2 Insularities workshop (BioDivMeX), on 22 September 2018 in the Kerkennah Islands (Tunisia).

Date palm agrobiodiversity (Phoenix dactylifera L.) in Siwa oasis, Egypt: combining ethnography, morphometry, and genetics

Art. (in English): Vincent Battesti* & Muriel Gros-Balthazard*, Clémence Ogéron, Sarah Ivorra, Jean-Frédéric Terral, Claire Newton, 2018 — « (…)

What are the palm trees of the Siwa oasis? Dialogue local and learned responses (morphometry, anthropology, and genetics)

Lecture given (in French) with Muriel Gros-Balthazard as part of the GDR Mosaïque Closing Days, on 7 November 2017, 02:30 pm-3:00 pm, Montpellier (…)

The Discovery of Wild Date Palms in Oman Reveals a Complex Domestication History Involving Centers in the Middle East and Africa

Art. (in English), Gros-Balthazard, Muriel, et al., 2017 — « The Discovery of Wild Date Palms in Oman Reveals a Complex Domestication History (…)

Questions raised in ethnoecology? Oasis illustrations

Lecture (in French) given for the seminar “Anthropologie générale — À l’interface des sciences sociales et des sciences naturelles” coord. by (…)

Ethnoecology of pollination and pollinators: Knowledge and practice in three societies

Art. (in English) published in Revue d’ethnoécologie journal (2015), vol. 7 with Marie Roué, Nicolas Césard, and Romain Simenel

Categorization of the date palm agrobiodiversity in the oasis of Siwa (Libyan Desert, Egypt): the olive tree categorization should it or can it be similar?

Lecture (in French) given to the Annual Meeting of the GDR Mosaïque at the Institut des Sciences de la Communication of the CNRS, Jan. 6th 2015, (…)

Why geneticists make mistakes. Talking about the date palms of Siwa oasis (Libyan desert, Egypt)

Lecture (in French) given for the Transversal Axis seminar « Catégories, constructions et hybridations des savoirs » (Categories, constructions (…)

What does domestication mean for a Saharan oasis date palm?

Art. (in English) in progress

To categorize date palms with no gene and embarrassment in Siwa, oasis of the Libyan Desert

Lecture (in French) given to the seminar Ethnobotanique(s): théories et pratiques, Master “Évolution, patrimoine naturel et sociétés” (EDTS), (…)

The Date Palm: Origin and Cultivation in the Middle East and in Egypt

Journal issue (in English and French) edited with Margareta Tengberg, and Claire Newton, Revue d’ethnoécologie, “The Date Palm: Origin and (…)

“The unrivalled tree”. Date palms and palm groves in the Middle East and Egypt, from Prehistory to the present day

Art. (in French) in Revue d’ethnoécologie - vol. 4, 2013 “The Date Palm : Origin and Cultivation in the Middle East and in Egypt”

The agrobiodiversity of the Date Palm (Phoenix dactylifera L.) in Siwa Oasis (Egypt): between what is said, written, and forgotten

Art. (in French) in Revue d’ethnoécologie - vol. 4, 2013, “The Date Palm : Origin and Cultivation in the Middle East and in Egypt” [Siwa #0]

The agrobiodiversity of the date palm (Phoenix dactylifera L.) in Siwa, an oasis of the Libyan Desert: what is said, written and forgotten

Lecture given at the workshop “Ecological and Anthropological Approaches to Agrobiodiversity and Food systems” from December 6th to 7th 2012 at (…)

Gardens in the desert, Evolution of oasis practices and knowledge, Jerid, Tunisia

Vincent Battesti (2005), Jardins au désert, Évolution des pratiques et savoirs oasiens, Jérid tunisien Book (in French) published by Éditions IRD, (…)

Smell Sui Generis: Subterfuge in the Domestication of the Date Palm (Tassili n’Ajjer, Algeria)

Odeur sui generis, Le subterfuge dans la domestication du palmier dattier (Tassili n’Ajjer, Algérie) Art.(in French) in Anthropozoologica journal

Subterfuge in the Domestication of the Date Palm (Tassili n’Ajjer, Algeria)

Lecture given at the Conference Animal Domestications: social and symbolic dimensions, Maison de l’Orient méditerranéen, Lyon, 2002