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by Vincent Battesti, Muriel Gros-Balthazard

 Vincent Battesti & Muriel Gros-Balthazard (2020) — « First-year Report—Sept. 2020. Ethnographic, genetic, and morphometric analyses of the date palm agrobiodiversity in al-‘Ulā oasis » Annual Report to AFALULA & RCU, Paris, New York/Abu Dhabi, CNRS, NYU-Abu Dhabi, 19 p.

⟶ Annual report for the al-‘Ulā DPA project.

 Purpose of the document:

This document reports the progresses made during the first year (October 2019-September 2020) for the project “Ethnographic, genetic, and morphometric analyses of the date palm agrobiodiversity in al-‘Ulā oasis”. These progresses are explained according to the context, somewhat particular in 2020 with the Covid-19 pandemic. While several tasks that were initially planned in year 1 have been delayed, we here propose an updated plan for year 2 and year 3, in light of the current situation.

Different named types of date palms in a garden of the Qenāber area, Ḥelf zone in the core area palm grove of al- ‘Ulā, Saudi Arabie, March 28, 2020, by Vincent Battesti.
© Vincent Battesti