Everything about sensory perceptions on this web site


Learning the senses, learning through the senses: Anthropology of sensory perceptions

A New Book! Vincent Battesti & Joël Candau (eds.), 2023 — Apprendre les sens, apprendre par les sens : Anthropologie des perceptions (…)

Conditions and modalities of sensory enskilment: an anthropological disputatio

Chap. (in French): — in Apprendre les sens, apprendre par les sens : Anthropologie des perceptions sensorielles, edited by Vincent Battesti & (…)

Learning the senses, learning through the senses: Anthropology of sensory perceptions

Edited Book (in French) Vincent Battesti & Joël Candau (eds.), 2023, Paris, Éditions Pétra, 598 p.

Perceptions and practices of its environment, contrasted in the oases and in the desert (Sahara, Arabia)

Lecture (in French/English) given for the workshop “The contour of the senses. Subjectivities, representations and sensitive experience of (…)

The body put to the cosmic test (The fleshly sociology of manned space flight)

Lecture (in French) given with sociologist Julie Patarin-Jossec and astronaut Jean-François Clervoy as part of the Histoire des sens lecture (…)

{Nec pluribus impar}, The idiosyncratic sensory of an extraterrestrial anthropology. Research residency in weightlessness at the “Observatoire de l’Espace”

Art. in French (2022). First hot report on a double fieldwork in Novespace with the CNES Observatoire de l’Espace.

Fieldwork at Novespace | Weightlessness Flight

March 2022: fieldwork for an Extraterrestrial Anthropology with the CNES Space Observatory

Cycle of conferences “History of the senses” at the Museum

Scientific organization of a cycle de conferences with Léo Mariani, organized by Jeanne-Marie Manaranche, at the Muséum national d’histoire (…)

Cultivating Anthropology in the Field of Augmented Ethnoecology

HDR | Habilitation à diriger des recherches - Paris, 2021.

Articles & chapters published in the field of sonic anthropology

A list of my publications dealing with the intersection of social anthropology and the sonic dimensions of existence.

Ethnographies Sounded on What? Methodologies, Sounds, and Experiences in Cairo

Chapter (in English) published in The Bloomsbury Handbook of Sonic Methodologies edited by Michael Bull and Marcel Cobussen (2020).

Cosmic Utopia | Pronaos

Experiment in progress.

Towards a Sonic Ecology of Urban Life: Ethnography of Sound Perceptions in Cairo

Art. (in English), co-written with Nicolas Puig, in The Senses and Society, 2020, vol. 15 (2), p. 170-191.

Between environmental controversies and development projects: the landscape to the test of the senses

Just published! (in French) Introduction to vol. 18, issue 3 of VertigO journal with Élise Geisler, Christophe Mager & Laurent Matthey.

Between environmental controversies and development projects: the landscape to the test of the senses

Just published!. In French: edition of the vol. 18, issue 3 of VertigO journal with Élise Geisler, Christophe Mager & Laurent Matthey.

Between environmental controversies and development projects: the landscape to the test of the senses

Just published!. In French: edition of the vol. 18, issue 3 of VertigO journal with Élise Geisler, Christophe Mager & Laurent Matthey.

E.T. Anthropology: Research residence in zero-gravity at the CNES Space Observatory

For an extraterrestrial anthropology: sensorialities and cosmos. On board the Airbus A310 Zero-G.

Course « Anthropology of Sensory Perceptions » [2015-2018]

Anthropology course for the master EDTS at the National Museum of Natural History, Paris

To shun the sound and the fury: ambiances in the palm groves gardens of Siwa Oasis (Egypt)

Lecture given (in French) in the International Conference: “Quelles ambiances urbaines dans les oasis du sud de la Méditerranée?” (Programme (…)

Seminar/ talks of research 2016 Anthropologie des perceptions sensorielles: Apprendre

Anthropology of sensory perceptions: to learn Organizer of the seminar/talks of research 2016: To learn

Research seminar 2016-2018 Anthropologie des perceptions sensorielles

Anthropology of sensory perceptions Organizer of the research seminar 2016, 2017, and 2018

Course “Anthropology of Sensory Perceptions” [2009-2015]

Anthropology course for the master EDTS at the National Museum of Natural History, Paris