Everything about Algeria on this web site

Palmeraie de Djanet (Algérie)
©Hélène Pagezy, 2007

Research work on Djanet

Articles and conferences.

Perceptions and practices of the environment, oasis and desert contrasts (Sahara and Arabia)

Art. in French. submitted to… Parcours anthropologiques journal.

Perceptions and practices of its environment, contrasted in the oases and in the desert (Sahara, Arabia)

Lecture (in French/English) given for the workshop “The contour of the senses. Subjectivities, representations and sensitive experience of (…)

Urban Anthropology: The MENA Region (Middle East and North Africa)

Chap. with Nicolas Puig (2021) for The International Encyclopedia of Anthropology

Thinking oasis history from the present: date palm agrobiodiversity and Saharan insularities

Lecture (in French) given for the research seminar “Saharan worlds: sources, spaces, societies (8th-19th century)”, February 12th 2021, IISMM, (…)

To categorize date palms with no gene and embarrassment in Siwa, oasis of the Libyan Desert

Lecture (in French) given to the seminar Ethnobotanique(s): théories et pratiques, Master “Évolution, patrimoine naturel et sociétés” (EDTS), (…)

Earthen architectures. The example of Siwa

Architectures de terre, l’exemple de Siwa Chapter (in French) in the exhibition catalogue “Berbères, de rives en rêves” (2008) at the abbey of (…)

Exhibition “Berbères, de rives en rêves” (Berbers, from shores to dreams)

Participation in the catalogue and a video interview within the exhibition.

Berbères, de rives en rêves

• Architectures berbères de terre (Berber earthen architectures). Exhibition “Berbères, de rives en rêves” (Berbers, from shores to dreams)
, May (…)

Workers of Oasian Palm Groves


Fieldworks and ethnology

All the research fieldworks on the zone of North Africa (the Maghreb) and the Middle East: fieldworks in oasis and urban fieldworks. On a (…)

Anthropology of gardens: the gardens of oasis

Lecture given at the seminar Anthropologie des jardins: Jardins historiques, Patrimoine, Paysages, École d’architecture de Versailles, June 2006.

Oases gardens

Lecture given at Muséum national d’histoire naturelle, Paris, May 2006.

Gardens in the desert, Evolution of oasis practices and knowledge, Jerid, Tunisia

Vincent Battesti (2005), Jardins au désert, Évolution des pratiques et savoirs oasiens, Jérid tunisien Book (in French) published by Éditions IRD, (…)

Oasian natures in North Africa

Relationships of oases populations with their environment in North Africa

Satellite pictures

Satellite images of oasian regions

Map of the studied oases in Sahara

The four main fieldworks in North Africa, where I made researches.

The professional experiences

(the most valorizating, of course).

A Sui Generis Scent: Subterfuge in the Domestication of the Date Palm (Tassili n’Ajjer, Algeria)

Odeur sui generis, Le subterfuge dans la domestication du palmier dattier (Tassili n’Ajjer, Algérie) Art.(in French) in Anthropozoologica journal

Subterfuge in the Domestication of the Date Palm (Tassili n’Ajjer, Algeria)

Lecture given at the Conference Animal Domestications: social and symbolic dimensions, Maison de l’Orient méditerranéen, Lyon, 2002

Les relations équivoques, approches circonspectes pour une socioécologie des oasis sahariennes

French abstract of the Doctorate Thesis, Saharan Studies Association Newsletter

The equivocal relations and the oases

Les relations équivoques et les oasis Art.(in French) in Sécheresse, Science et changements planétaires journal

The equivocal relations, Circumspect approaches for a socio-ecology of Saharan oases.

Doctorate Thesis. (PhD) - Paris, 1998.

ِEthnobotanical approach of a Saharan Oasis: Djanet (Algeria)

Main DEA thesis (Social Sciences) - Paris, 1993.