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« Nec pluribus impar: sensoriel idiosyncrasique d’une anthropologie extraterrestre. Résidence de recherche en impesanteur de l’Observatoire de l’Espace »
Possible translated by: Nec pluribus impar, The idiosyncratic sensory of an extraterrestrial anthropology. Research residency in weightlessness at the “Observatoire de l’Espace”
Observatoire de l’Espace, Retour de vol ZERO-G (3 April 2022) —
– PDF:
– Abstract:
“Anthropologist Vincent Battesti took part in the Observatoire de l’Espace (CNES) weightlessness research residency. He first observed a first flight campaign from the ground, then boarded the Zero-G Airbus. He tells us about his experience and observations during the parabolic flight.”

Extraterrestrial #Anthropology
An on-the-spot personal account of my first experience of weightlessness during ethnographic research on parabolic flights with @CNES (the French Space Agency).— Vincent Battesti (@Battesti) April 6, 2022