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Between environmental controversies and development projects: the landscape to the test of the senses
– Original title:
Entre controverses environnementales et projets d’aménagement: le paysage à l’épreuve des sens
Introduction to the issue of VertigO journal by Vincent Battesti, Élise Geisler, Christophe Mager & Laurent Matthey.
vol. 18, issue 3, Dec. 2018 (published in Aug. 2019 by the journal)
DOI: 10.4000/vertigo.25198
PDF File:
– About this issue: Between environmental controversies and development projects: the landscape to the test of the senses
– Abstract:
The landscape is not only visual, it is also composed of other sensitive dimensions (sound, smell, touch, etc.). Thus, when it comes to landscape experience, it is in a way the sensitive wholeness that is invoked. However, several elements influence this spatial planning tool, the landscape experience. A historical context, a culture, a position in the social space, or aspects of the landscape itself (variation of its materialities, its texture, its structure), as well as the modalities of movement of the body in space, all these can be elements that influence it.
It is this multi-sensory landscape that this dossier attempts to address. To this end, architects, graphic designers, landscape designers, plastic artists, sociologists, ecologists, ethnoecologists, philosophers, geographers and urban planning researchers have addressed in their texts how sensitive landscapes are used as a vehicle for mobilization. It also discusses methodologies to account for sensitive relationships and how sensitive space is approached as a tool and object of development.