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Français → Recherches → Anthropologie urbaine Le Caire (Égypte) Jardins privés ou publics →

L’espace public (jardins) du Caire après la révolution...

Vincent Battesti

Comment et en quoi changer l’espace public jardiné du Caire ?
La réponse d’un étudiant du Caire, en vidéo.

Publiée le 20 déc. 2012 sur Youtube.

« the project is called mafto7 (maftoh), which means open. this word became meaningful to me after having interviewed with people in the street. we would have long talk about how public spaces are closed with fences and how it used to be open for them in the past. they dont know why the government decided to close public spaces with fences. yes, the government has a huge influence on the public space. there are many examples and research about how the government controls on public space. »

« this 3 min video is actually for the competition and it had to be within 3 min. soon, i will upload a 30-40 min short film where interview of experts will be added, like...may abrashy, mazen abdulkarim, omar nagati, ahmed zaazaa. all of them are architects/ urban planners and some of them had done projects in a public space. and as well as many interviews from people in the street, in megawra. many of them really said important words and useful stuff. this short video is about the ideas and the facts. i hope you will enjoy this video or be inspired because there many ideas that can be done, much better than mine even...!). »


On en apprend plus sur l’auteur grace au blog Cairo from Below القاهرة من الأساس

« Sara Hassan is an architecture student at Technical University in Vienna. She is currently writing her master thesis, Mafto7 – Public Space in Cairo“ as well as is making a short film. She is also an activist at Amnesty International in Vienna. She hopes to reside in Cairo after her graduation this summer and to continue projects in public spaces in Egypt. »

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Vincent Battesti , "L’espace public (jardins) du Caire après la révolution... " (en ligne), Anthropoasis |, page publiée le 15 mars 2013 (visitée le 19 avril 2024), disponible sur: