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Works for a research in progress on the evolutions of the built environment in Siwa (Egypt) and the curent phenomena of patrimonialization.
– Lecture given on this topic:
See “Environment needs clay!”, Evolutions of the habitat in the oasis of Siwa.
– Illustrations on this topic:
See the section of the Picture Gallery on the Siwi architecture.
– Specific bibliography (in progress…):
The work of Silvia Martinelli (architect from the University of Roma):
Martinelli, Silvia, 2004 — Siwa, l’oasi bambina. Diario di un’ esperienza di progettazione partecipata in Egitto, Universita’ degli Studi di Roma Tre, Facolta’ di Architettura, Roma, 52 p.
An article for a volume of Journal des Africanistes dedicated to objects and material cultures in the Sahara (editors: Sébastien Boulay & Tatiana Benfoughal).
See the published article (in French): Dwelling with feet of clay, Trials and tribulations of construction materials and techniques in Siwa (Egypt).
A chapter for the exhibition catalogue on Berbers (De rives en rêves, Abbaye de Daoulas), chapter dedicated to Berber architecture and especially to Siwa:
See the chapter (in French): Earthen architectures. The example of Siwa
An article for the Égypte/Monde arabe journal dedicated to the phenomenon of patrimonialization in Egypt and Sudan (edited by Omnia Aboukorah & Jean-Gabriel Leturcq):
See the published article (in French): From Siwa to Cairo, the making of heritage feeds from the Others’ desire.

Une architecture “traditionnelle” reconstruite par EQI, utilisée par les cheikhs de l’oasis et leurs invités de marque ici pendant la fête souffre ‘aīd al-Siyaḥa au Jebel Dakrūr, Siwa (Égypte), le 27 octobre 2015. © Vincent Battesti