Everything about heritage on this web site


The oasis of al-‘Ulā between two waves of change

Ed. book of al-‘Ulā AS project, work in progress.

Cultivating Anthropology in the Field of Augmented Ethnoecology

HDR | Habilitation à diriger des recherches - Paris, 2021.

Exploring the Bettina Leopoldo collection on Siwa

Page in progress. With the complicity of Mrs Floriane Morin, Curator of the MEG Africa Department, in 2018 I explore the collection of Bettina (…)

Coll. vbat of objects from the Siwa Oasis

Objects: collection vbat — Vincent Battesti, CNRS-Musée de l’Homme Photographies: Jean-Christophe Domenech, Musée de l’Homme, Muséum national (…)

“Cultural Landscape” is a pleonasm and “Soundscape” is a tool

Conf. (en français) donnée dans le cadre du séminaire « Paysages culturels » de Hélène Artaud, Frédérique Chlous, Marie Roué au Muséum national (…)

Siwa, Oasis of the Libyan Desert: The secret life of the gardens and their palm trees

Lecture (in French) given to Conférences de La Rahla, Amicale des Sahariens, Paris, Feb. 11th 2014, 7pm

The Saharan oasis put to the test of its Landscape: The Jerid

Chapter (in English) published in Virginie Lefebvre, with Aziza Chaouni (eds.), Desert Tourism: tracing the fragile edges of development, (…)

Ownership of resources: a Tunisian update, Back to the oases of the Jerid in 2011

Lecture given at the conference SHS- Méditerranée: “Ownership of natural and heritage resources: Competitions and rights of access in the (…)

Conference “Ownership of natural and heritage resources: Competitions and rights of access in the Mediterranean region”

Conference SHS- Méditerranée: “Ownership of natural and heritage resources: Competitions and rights of access in the Mediterranean region”, Nov. (…)

Natural and cultural landscapes, changes and preservation

Participation (in French) in the survey on Causses and Cévennes region application as part of World Heritage List of Cultural and natural heritage.

From Siwa to Cairo, the making of heritage feeds from the Others’ desire

Article (in French) published in Égypte/Monde arabe n°5-6, 2009: Pratiques du patrimoine en Égypte et au Soudan. Issue edited by Omnia Aboukorah, (…)

Tourism in oasis, Natural and cultural mirages of an encounter?

Art. (in French) in Cahier d’études africaines (2009, éditions de l’EHESS, Paris) Numéro “Tourismes. La quête de soi par la pratique des autres” (…)

The reinvention of ruin when you do not appreciate the landscape, and other spatial considerations in the Arab world

Lecture given at the École nationale supérieure du paysage (ENSP) in Versailles (France), February 11st, 2009.

Earthen architectures. The example of Siwa

Architectures de terre, l’exemple de Siwa Chapter (in French) in the exhibition catalogue “Berbères, de rives en rêves” (2008) at the abbey of (…)

Berbères, de rives en rêves

• Architectures berbères de terre (Berber earthen architectures). Exhibition “Berbères, de rives en rêves” (Berbers, from shores to dreams)
, May (…)

Oases as Socio-ecological Landscapes, The Jerid as an Example

Lecture given at Harvard GSD for the conference “Desert Tourism: delineating the fragile edge of development”, Cambridge, USA.

Dwelling with feet of clay, Trials and tribulations of construction materials and techniques in Siwa (Egypt)

Art. (in French) Journal des Africanistes (2006). Original title: De l’habitation aux pieds d’argile, Les vicissitudes des matériaux et techniques (…)

The Giza Zoo: Re-Appropriating Public Spaces, Re-Imagining Urban Beauty

Chapter (in English) in Cairo Cosmopolitan (2006).

Some old illustrations of gardens in Cairo


Patrimonialization in Siwa: the architecture

In progress.

“Environment needs clay!”, Evolutions of the habitat in the oasis of Siwa

Lecture given at the Conference Habitat, habitation et urbanisme en Corse et en Méditerranée, Calvi, April 2005.

Change in the Uses of Urban Public Spaces by Cairo People

Lecture given at The Beirut Conference on Public Spheres, Oct. 2004 (AUB), Lebanon.

The relationship to the environment in two regions of oases in Tunisia: Jerid and Nefzaoua

Art. (in French) in progress ... [temporary title]