All the versions of this article: [English] [français]
The inventions of the Arabic-Muslim gardening natures.
Original title:
Les inventions des natures jardinières arabo-musulmanes.
WOCMES - World Congress for Middle Eastern Studies - September, 8th-13th, 2002 University of Mainz, Germany:
Round table Environment, Sept. 9th, 2002.
– This paper is not (yet) translated to English. To get the abstract in French version, use the link français translation on the top right.
– Go to the Congress web site.
– Download the lecture (in French) in pdf:
Les inventions des natures jardinières arabo-musulmanes
WOCMES, Premier Congrès mondial pour des études sur le Moyen-Orient et l’Afrique du Nord, Université de Mayence, du 8 au 13 sept. 2002.
Vincent Battesti

Published on
8 September 2002
- Updated on
24 August 2023