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by Vincent Battesti

In fact, this page “Anthropology of Sensory Perceptions” was previously placed under the folder “sensory perceptions”, and not the other way around..
It may have seemed strange, but it is in this order that I get interested in sensory issues: from the particular of the sound to the most general.

Since then, another fieldwork has entered my research, with the Observatoire de l’espace (Space Observatory) of the CNES (Centre national d’études spatiales), of which I became a resident researcher in 2019, and my proposal to work with them on other sensory perceptions on board the Airbus Zero-G with a project called “For an extraterrestrial anthropology”.

This beginning of research is made specifically thanks to a Master’s teaching that I ran for six years at the Muséum national d’histoire naturelle (Master EDTS) and thanks to the numerous researchers I did invite for this purpose.

 Course “Anthropology of Sensory Perceptions” [2009-2015]

I continued this reflection with colleagues from the laboratory UMR 7206 at the Museum and scholars/researchers I will invite at round tables / research seminar I will set up from 2016.

 Why address sensory perceptions through anthropology?

To answer that in two words only, I will put forward the idea of learning: everyone is educated to his senses, that is to say that everyone learns, socially, to seize the surrounding world by means of the sensory equipment of his body... and this sensory education is proper, always, to the social group concerned.

The difficulty: anthropology is poorly armed, a priori, to grasp this issue because perceptions are not very often put in verbs, hard to speak (or often described with binary hedonic terms), and idiosyncratic.

© Vincent Battesti. New York, Manhattan, Barber shop. (11 mars 2014)