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by Vincent Battesti

Resource mobilization and models mobilization: a tragic agricultural coexistence in oases of the Jerid (Tunisia)?

 Original title:
Mobilisation de ressources et mobilisation de modèles: une coexistence agricole tragique dans les oasis du Jérid (Tunisie)?

Lecture given for the École-chercheurs (researchers-school) “Terroirs et patrimoines ruraux méditerranéens au XXIe siècle: entre idéologie, projets et réalités de terrain” from October 11th to 19th 2012 at the Cadi Ayyad University (Faculté des lettres et sciences humaines) in Marrakesh (Morocco).

Tuesday October 16th, 2012: session 5 - Territorial governance of resources and demographic issues / 9am-1pm : the water lands.


The idea is to explore the current coexistence of two ideal types of agriculture in the Jerid, one that we will call “classical” (ancient palm groves) and the other “modern”. Apparently everything opposed these two models: the type of resources used (natural or human), the ways to exploit them, the productive expectations of these irrigated and labored areas, agrobiodiversity and agronomic models, aesthetic values involved, but also the values and ideas of the relationship with the environment set in motion by these models.
Everything oppose these ideal types, but many things bring them together too, for better or for worse: in the same geographical area, the local peasantry can play various models, switching to either one, according to the situation. But also, the ideal modern type have had to compromise the future of the region to develop itself, organizing an expensive moving of the water resource, from the “natural” sources to deep motorized drilling... But Indeed, the proponents of an ideal type or another, farmers or engineers now share the same cautious optimism (but for different reasons); we will overcome the current crisis of water resources. In addition, the new globalized watchwords for a protected biodiversity will meet in the near future these two models. Maybe not up to the point where the proponents of the agricultural knowledge legitimacy recognize value local knowledge...

Date from ethnographic field research.

This École-chercheur is co-organized by:

Jérid, Tunisie
le 10 novembre 2008

Jérid, Tunisie
le 11 novembre 2008

Jérid, Tunisie
le 28 juillet 2011

Jérid, Tunisie
le 6 août 2011

With the French and the Moroccan financial support of: IRD/AIRD (Actions thématiques structurantes), UMR GRED, l’UCAM, UM5 Rabat-Agdal and the LabexMéd “Les sciences humaines et sociales au cœur de l’interdisciplinarité pour la Méditerranée”.