Everything about Lebanon on this web site


Urban Anthropology: The MENA Region (Middle East and North Africa)

Chap. with Nicolas Puig (2021) for The International Encyclopedia of Anthropology

Ownership of resources: a Tunisian update, Back to the oases of the Jerid in 2011

Lecture given at the conference SHS- Méditerranée: “Ownership of natural and heritage resources: Competitions and rights of access in the (…)

Conference “Ownership of natural and heritage resources: Competitions and rights of access in the Mediterranean region”

Conference SHS- Méditerranée: “Ownership of natural and heritage resources: Competitions and rights of access in the Mediterranean region”, Nov. (…)

Change in the Uses of Urban Public Spaces by Cairo People

Lecture given at The Beirut Conference on Public Spheres, Oct. 2004 (AUB), Lebanon.