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2021 HDR (habilitation à diriger des recherches) in SOCIAL ANTHROPOLOGY: Cultivating Anthropology in the Field of Augmented Ethnoecology, Muséum national d’histoire naturelle, Paris.
defended the 20th October 2021; Reviewers: Laure Emperaire, David Howes, and Anna Madœuf, Examiners: Tarik Dahou, Nicolas Puig, and Sandrine Ruhlmann.
1993/1998 FRENCH DOCTORATE Ph.D. in SOCIAL ANTHROPOLOGY: The equivocal relations, Circumspect approaches for a socio-ecology of Saharan oases., Université R. Descartes PARIS V - Sorbonne/Muséum National d’Histoire naturelle, Lab. d’Ethnobiologie-Biogéographie, thesis supervised by R. Pujol.
Class 1 (defended the 28th September 1998; jury : Ph. Laburthe-Tolra, Ph. Descola, J. Duvignaud, Y. Monnier, R. Pujol, J.-Ph. Tonneau.
1992/1993 DEA in social sciences ‘Cultures and Social Behaviour’ option Anthropology: Class 1 - Université R. Descartes- PARIS V - Sorbonne.
Research dissertations:
ِEthnobotanical approach of a Saharan Oasis: Djanet (Algeria), (supervised by Pr. R. Pujol - Laboratoire Ethnobiologie-biogéographie, Muséum national d’histoire naturelle), Class 1. Principal dissertation.
Relationships with the Desert in Monotheistic Religions, (supervised by Pr. Ph. Laburthe-Tolra - Paris v), Class 1. Secondary dissertation.
1991/1992 FRENCH MASTER’S DEGREE in Biology of Organisms and Populations: Class 2 - USTL (MONTPELLIER II)
Data Analyse - Genetic of populations - General Ecology - Ecology, Evolution and valorisation of land vegetation.
Dissertation for Pr. M. Godron (Institut botanique, Montpellier) : ‘An approach of the importance of mushroom in the Aigoual Massif’.
Dissertation for Research Initiation: ‘An experimental charcoal burner’s clearing, Methodology of anthracology on charcoal burner’s clearing for an approach of management of the forest environment in Languedoc [South France]’ - Lab. de paléobotanique, archéologie et environnement of Pr. J.L. Vernet (URA CNRS 1477).
1990/1991 LICENCE of Biology of Organisms : class 2 - Université des Sciences et Techniques du Languedoc (MONTPELLIER II).
Biochemistry - Genetic - Data Analyse - General and systematic organisation of superior plants - Organisation, biology and systematics of invertebrates - Vegetal physiology - Reproduction, morphogenetic et architecture of plants.
Dissertation: ‘Dynamic of development of a Mediterranean liana, Clematis vitalba’ for Pr. S. Puech (Institut botanique, Montpellier).
1988/1990 DEUG B (Sciences of Nature and Life): class 2 - Faculté des Sciences et Techniques du HAVRE.
1988 BACCALAUREAT D (Biology and Chemistry): LE HAVRE
Vincent Battesti le 25 avril 1992, Le Havre. © Bruno Scotti.