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by Vincent Battesti

The conception of the labour and the appreciation of the landscape in the Saharan oases

 Original title:
La conception du travail et l’appréciation du paysage dans les oasis sahariennes,
Lecture given at Muséum national d’Histoire naturelle (Paris), November 16th, 1996, for the Société des Amis du Muséum national d’Histoire naturelle et du Jardin des Plantes.

The same environment, a landscape, the oasis, can concretely not be seen, understood or perceived in a similar way by different people. It is as if this system-object could display various faces or more convincingly as people can find various faces depending on his backgrounds, concerns, interests. This ‘faces’ are so different that they come to be nearly opposite. It is disturbing almost because I attribute to these ‘lookers’ (‘regardeurs’, in the meaning of M. Duchamp) the status of social agent of the palm-grove and the oasis world, i.e. taking obviously part, actively or passively, to the evolution of this environment.

 Download the lecture (summarized) in pdf:

La conception du travail et appréciation du paysage dans l’oasis saharienne
Résumé de la conférence donnée au Muséum national d’Histoire naturelle du Samedi 16 novembre 1996
Vincent Battesti