Everything about Arab Pop Culture on this web site


From waterfalls to snowy forests, Egyptian posters show what exotic looks like from the desert

Art. (in English) in The Conversation, Global edition 2017 The pastiche-style poster art ubiquitous in Egyptian houses and businesses reveals how (…)

Collection of fantasy landscapes posters

Private collection of Egyptian posters of paradise natures. The Egyptian paradises, copy/paste landscapes. Coll. Vincent Battesti, Poster (…)

Photographies of Ideal wall natures’ posters in situ

Pictures collection in Open Access on MediHal… – RSS feed: https://media.hal.science/rss.php?r... – web page: (…)

In North Africa and the Middle East, To build, to dream and to anticipate his nature ... in order to escape the environment

Seminar Utopias of Nature, Nature of Utopias – MNHN, 2011

Stickers 25JAN

Call for contribution: I miss some stickers to write a graphic and scientific article ... Who can send me more? (reimbursed, of course)

Inviting nature home

For now: just three shots until I do the sorting in my albums. There are at least two Egyptian areas where these heavenly natures invite (…)

Representations in posters of ideal nature

In Egypt, main tourist destination for archaeological, natural, and cultural landscapes, walls in apartments or small businesses display exotic, (…)