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by Vincent Battesti

 PhD/ CNRS Doctoral contract offer: Origins and diversity of the Date Palm in al-‘Ulā Oasis, Saudi Arabia: a multidisciplinary approach combining Genomics, Ethnobotany and Archaeobiology

PhD in three (3) years mainly based at ISEM in Montpellier (GAIA Doctoral School/Montpellier University), but also at the Museum (Eco-anthropology, UMR 7206), New York University Abu Dhabi (3 months/year) and in the field in Saudi Arabia (al-‘Ulā oasis).

Effective date: February 1st, 2020.
Application deadline: December 23rd, 2019 (11:59 pm)
New deadline: January 13th, 2020.
This position has been filled. ✅

 How to apply?

Applications must be sent via the CNRS job website ( before January 13th 2020: (ref.: UMR7206-VINBAT-002)
Any auditions will take place in Montpellier and/or videoconference within one or two weeks after the closing date for applications.

 Details in the attached documents.

Offre d’un contrat doctoral : Origines et diversité du palmier dattier d’al-‘Ulā Oasis, Arabie saoudite : une approche multidisciplinaire combinant génomique, ethnobotanique et archéobiologie
Doctoral contract offer: Origins and diversity of the Date Palm in al-‘Ulā Oasis, Saudi Arabia: a multidisciplinary approach combining Genomics, Ethnobotany and Archaeobiology


In the core area of al-‘Ulā Oasis (KSA), an Egyptian gardener working for his Saudi sponsor’s farm. Dec. 19th, 2019, al-‘Ulā, Saudi Arabia.
Vincent Battesti

Doctoral contract offer: Functioning of an oasis community in Saudi Arabia and its relationship to the environment: al-‘Ulā oasis


Offre de contrat doctoral: Fonctionnement d’une communauté oasienne en Arabie saoudite et ses relations à l’environnement : l’oasis d’al-‘Ulā
