Vincent Battesti - | ☆ anthropoasis, by Vincent Battesti

CNRS - Musée de l’Homme, Muséum national d’histoire naturelle, Paris
Ecological Anthropology of oases and Castagniccia (Corsica)
Urban Anthropology of public spaces and gardens in Cairo (Egypt)
Sensory Anthropology
North Africa, Middle East and Mediterranean area
Oasis: Sahara (Tunisia, Algeria, Morocco) and Middle-East (Egypt, Yemen, Saudi Arabia)




Information for English-speaking people

Note: this site is primarily in French. You can find, in this English section, articles originally written in English & translations from French to English of some parts of the website. If you are confortable with French, enjoy the French part;-)


Main current projects:


Learning the senses, learning through the senses: Anthropology of sensory perceptions

New Book (in French)!
Vincent Battesti & Joël Candau (eds.), 2023 — Apprendre les sens, apprendre par les sens : Anthropologie des perceptions sensorielles, Paris, Éditions Pétra (series Univers sensoriels et sciences sociales), 598 p. (24 contributors)
ISBN : 978-2-84743-314-2

With twenty chapters drawn primarily from anthropology, but also from sociology, psychology, neuroscience, primatology and archaeology, this book offers a vast panorama of the ways in which human beings share the sensory. It argues that discovering and learning about the world through the senses implies neither radical cognitive relativism, nor the confinement of each individual in a singular Umwelt, and that sensory and multisensory learning is always culturally modulated. We learn the senses, we learn through the senses.

A New Book!


The site headlines

Oasis ways of life

Lecture (in French) given for the events series “Tête à tête avec un chercheur”, in the Galerie de l’Homme, at Musée de l’Homme, 24 January 2024, Paris (France)


Strontium isotope evidence for Pre-Islamic cotton cultivation in Arabia

New! Art. in English. In Frontiers in Earth Science journal.


Fourth-year Report—Dec. 2023. Anthropological survey of al-‘Ulā community and its oasis system

Annual Report 2023 — Unveiling al-‘Ulā: Deepening Understanding of Anthropological Dynamics


Conditions and modalities of sensory enskilment: an anthropological disputatio

New! - Chap. (in French): — in Apprendre les sens, apprendre par les sens : Anthropologie des perceptions sensorielles, edited by Vincent Battesti & Joël Candau (2023).


Fourth-year Report—Dec. 2023. Ethnographic, genetic, and morphometric analyses of the date palm agrobiodiversity in al-‘Ulā oasis

Annual Report 2023


Emergence and evolution of date palm cultivation in Northwestern Arabia

Lecture (in English) given for the international conference “Human-Environment Interactions in Ancient Arabia” (HEIAA), at the University of Tübingen, 7th November 2023, Tübingen (Germany)


Bedouins and Sedentaries today in al-‘Ulâ (Kingdom of Saudi Arabia): al-diyâr and al-Dîra in the rear-view mirror

New! Art. in English in Arabian Humanities journal.


Bédouins et Sédentaires aujourd’hui à al-‘Ulâ (Royaume d’Arabie saoudite), al-diyâr et al-Dîra dans le rétroviseur

New! Art. in French in Arabian Humanities.


Time to refine the geography of biodiversity hotspots by integrating molecular data: The Mediterranean Basin as a case study

Art. in English. New ! in Biological Conservation.


First public meeting of the CastaCorse project

The chestnut groves of Corsica: Anthropology, Ecology and History


What lies behind a fruit crop variety name? A case study of the barnī date palm from al-‘Ulā oasis, Saudi Arabia

New ! Art. in Plants, People, Planet journal, vol. 5 (1), Jan. 2023, p. 82-97


What lies behind fruit crops variety names? The date palm as a case study

Lecture (in English) with Muriel Gros-Balthazard given for the EUNOPS (European Network of Palm Scientists) Conference, October 2022, Geneva (Switzerland)


Oasis palm groves, ecosystems designed by humans

New - Chap. (in French): — in La Terre, le vivant, les humains, Petites et grandes découvertes de l’histoire naturelle edited by Jean-Denis Vigne & Bruno David.


A Timelapse Landsat of al-‘Ulā 1985-2020

The changes in exploiting the environment in the region of al-‘Ulā, KSA



Pictures gallery.