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Expressing my concern for this project with the editor, I learned mid-2016 it finally was abandoned (our chapter written nevertheless). One more in the trash.
The title of the chapter is not final.
Newton C., Battesti V. Terral J.-F., Pintaud J.-C., Gros-Balthazard M., Tengberg M. 2012. Le Palmier dattier. In : Joly H., Khadari B. (dirs.), Natures et cultures : Origines, domestication et diversité variétale des espèces fruitières méditerranéennes. Quae, Paris.

On the occasion of the International Congress of the Society of Ethnobiology to be held in Montpellier in June 2012, will be offered a general public book / CD - edited by Hélène Joly - about the Mediterranean fruit tree domestication, their past and present uses, their representations and their place in societies in the Mediterranean region.
The Quae Publishng House
We were few specialists writing together a chapter, coordinated by Jean-Frédéric Terral (of the Centre de bio-archéologie et d’écologie - UMR 5059 Montpellier), on the date palm:
- Muriel Gros-Balthazard (of the Centre de bio-archéologie et d’écologie - UMR 5059, Montpellier),
- me (Vincent Battesti),
- Claire Newton (Department of Archaeology, University Park à Nottingham),
- Jean-Christophe Pintaud (Diversité et adaptation des plantes cultivées, R188-IRD, Quito),
- Margareta Tengberg (Archéozoologie, archéobotanique: sociétés, pratiques et environnements, UMR 7209, Muséum national d’Histoire naturelle in Paris).