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English → Researches → Corsica Castagniccia | Orezza (Corsica) Project →

Evolution of the agroecosystem of the Orezza valley in Castagniccia

Stage #3 (a)

Mur de pierres sèches de séparation entre parcelles de châtaigniers, commune de Nocario, Vallée d’Orezza en Castagniccia (Corse), le 22 août 2014, Vincent Battesti

Research in connection with the “Démographie historique et stratégies foncières dans la vallée d’Orezza en Castagniccia, Corse” section led by Vincent Battesti and François Ireton.

This part of the research focuses on the evolution of the Mediterranean mountain agroecosystem with a predominantly forested character in Castagniccia (late 18th century to present), obviously in connection with demography and land tenure. The study focuses on the small Castagniccia, that is to say the heart of this region, the Orezza valley and for the most systematic surveys the commune of Nocario.

The approach is that of ethnoecology and the data are primarily ethnographic.


Anthropology of the landscape in Castagniccia, Corsica

Tuesday 5 April 2005 - Vincent Battesti

Project in progress…