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English → Researches → Corsica

CastaCorse Project

Major mode - Ethnoecology of an insular Mediterranean arboriculture: chestnut groves in Corsica.

Châtaignier multiséculaire échantillonné par le projet CastaCorse dans la commune de Pianullu (vallée de la Bravone), Corse, le 29 oct. 2023, Vincent Battesti
Multisecular chestnut tree sampled by the CastaCorse project in the commune of Pianullu (Bravone valley), Corsica, 29 Oct. 2023, Vincent Battesti

This project proposes to document and analyze this singular arboriculture of the chestnut tree (Castanea sativa Mill.) on the Mediterranean island of Corsica. It sets up a multi-sited exploration and analysis of the history of chestnut groves and the chestnut tree on the scale of the territory of Corsica, the related cultural practices, its genetic diversity and the associated biodiversity, in an interdisciplinary approach, integrating ethnoecology, ecology and history.

 Project start: September 1, 2022.

 CNRS PhD student: Doria Bellache (Musée de l’Homme, Muséum national d’histoire naturelle)
co-supervision by:

 Partner: National Botanical Conservatory of Corsica (CBNC - Conservatoire botanique national de Corse, of OEC (Corsican Environment Office).
 Funding: Cullettività di Corsica/ Collectivité de Corse.


First public meeting of the CastaCorse project

Thursday 25 May 2023 - Doria Bellache , Vincent Battesti , Franck Richard , Denis Jouffroy

The chestnut groves of Corsica: Anthropology, Ecology and History


Ethnoecology of the chestnut tree in Corsica, Mediterranean arboriculture in the light of Anthropology, Ecology and History

Saturday 1 October 2022 - Doria Bellache

PhD thesis in progress (Oct. 2022-Sept. 2025): Doria Bellache


“A denaturing orchard”: Ethnoecological approach of the chestnut groves of the Orezza valley (Castagniccia, Corsica)

Friday 27 November 2020 - Doria Bellache

Master thesis 2nd year, Muséum national d’histoire naturelle, by Doria Bellache (dir. Vincent Battesti)