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Vincent Battesti

 Member of the Scientific Committee of the LabEx DRIIHM since Novembre, 3th, 2020.


Laureate of the Laboratory for Excellence project (LabEx) in the program « Investment in the future », the DRIIHM LabEx, Device for Interdisciplinary Research on human-environments Interactions, aggregate 13 human-environments observatories (OHM in french), CNRS-INEE tools since 2007. This LabEx was set up for 8 years (February 2012-December 2019) with a € 6.5 million budget and now, for another five years (2020-2024).

The 13 observatories: Bassin Minier de Provence (provence Coalfield), Oyapock (French Guyana), Estarreja (Portugal), Téssékéré (Sénégal), Pyrénées-Haut Vicdessos, Vallée du Rhône (Rhone valley), Littoral Méditerranéen (French mediterranean coastal zone), Nunavik (Canada), Pays de Bitche (Bitche County), Pima County (USA), Littoral caraïbe (Caribbean Coast), Patagonia-Bahia Exploradores (Chile) and Fessenheim.

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Vincent Battesti , "LabEx DRIIHM " (online), Anthropoasis |, page published 3 November 2020 (consulted 29 April 2024), available on: