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English → Researches → The Oases Oasis of Egypt → Siwa oasis (Egypt) →

Drawings of children on their oasian nature

Organization of workshops of drawings with Isiwan children (girls and boys between 9 and 13 years) and collection of their 40 drawings of representations of the nature, of their nature of Siwa.

Représentation d’un jardin d’oasis.
Abd el-Nebi Musa Alewa, Aghurmi, 2006. Dessin issu de l’atelier de dessin, à Aghurmi, le 21 fév. 2006.

Scans of children drawings from Siwa oasis on their environment

Monday 17 December 2012 - Vincent Battesti

Scans’ Collection in Open Access on MediHal…
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Inauguration of the exhibition Alive Natures: in the Children’s eyes

Saturday 17 November 2007

Tuesday, November 27th, 2007. 7 pm. Musée de l’Homme • Palais de Chaillot, Paris.


Workshop in Siwa: children’s drawings on nature

Saturday 3 June 2006 - Vincent Battesti

Results (in progress) of the experiment of drawings carried out with the children of Siwa


Project of exhibition: Nature vivante (Living Nature)

Friday 24 February 2006 - Vincent Battesti

The children of the world draw their nature (in Siwa too)