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Satellite pictures

of oasian regions

Vincent Battesti

Three regions of oases are visible here: the Jerid region in Tunisia, the Siwa region in Egypt, and Tassili n’Ajjer region (Djanet) in Algeria.

 The Tunisian Jerid.
Source: N-32-30_2000 Landsat 7 circa 2000
Homonyms: Jerid - Jérid - Djerid - Djérid.
Include: Tozeur - Degache - El-Hamma - Nefta…

Région Jerid - 2000 - large
Région Jerid - 2000 - zoom

 Siwa in Egypt.
Source: N-35-25_2000 Landsat 7 circa 2000
Homonyms: Siwa - Siouah - Syouah.
Include: Siwa - Shâlî - Aghurmi…

Région Siwa - 2000 - large
Région Siwa - 2000 - zoom

 Tassili n’Ajjer in Algeria.
Source: N-32-30_2000 Landsat 7 circa 2000
Source: N-32-30_1990 Landsat 4/5 circa 1990
Homonyms: Djanet - Janet.
Include: Djanet…

Région Tassili n’Ajjer (Djanet) - 1990
Région Tassili n’Ajjer (Djanet) - 2000

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Vincent Battesti , "Satellite pictures " (online), Anthropoasis |, page published 17 April 2005 (consulted 25 April 2024), available on: