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To circulate in Taez

Vincent Battesti

Below there is: To circulate in Taez — a succession of pictures in multi exposure (taken with a web cam) from the window of my flat in Taez (Yemen), beginning year 2001.

 If everything is working fine, you just have to move very slowly your mouse over the pictures in multi exposure (taken within a short interval) for these picture becoming animated.



By the way, this site hosted by Noos (the up date of these pages are not possible since I’m not anymore a subscriber, but this address is still available) was for a test to put in line an article on the Yemeni gestures (non-verbale communication) that was then published by the scientific journal Chroniques yéménites (from the CEFAS in Sanaa), in a paper version, and in an experimental web version, including about 64 small videos taken with a web cam, illustrating the gestures and their movements. See in the Publised work section this article.

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Vincent Battesti , "To circulate in Taez " (online), Anthropoasis |, page published 26 March 2005 (consulted 27 April 2024), available on: